Interlude In The Cubicle

Olivia was working on her laptop researching anything she could find about the business magnate Jove Latimer when Sasha suddenly appeared in her cubicle and placed her phone on her desk.

Olivia looked at the phone perplexed then she looked up at her friend who had a huge smile adorning her dolled face.

Olivia blinked twice before she asked, "Are you giving your phone to me?" Because she could not think of any reason why Sasha would put her phone on her desk in front of her.

Sasha's face fell and said, "Why would I give it to you? I saved my salary for two months just to buy this," Then she smiled again and giddily walked around Olivia's cubicle to get inside.

Olivia quickly closed her laptop so that Sasha would not find out that she was working on a very delicate issue. Before Olivia left Bardwell's office, the latter strictly reminded her that her work is classified. No one should know that she was working on Jove Latimer until she got enough story to expose the businessman.

Fortunately. Sasha is so excited about her own thoughts that she failed to notice that her friend was hiding something from her.

Sasha picked up her phone and unlocked it because it automatically locked after a couple of seconds it was not touched and just laid on Olivia's desk. Once her phone lit up, her face lit up again, and then she showed the screen of her phone to Olivia.

Olivia narrowed her eyes at Sasha suspiciously before she slowly lowered her head to look at the screen of her friend's phone without touching it. On the screen of the phone, she saw a photo of a man outside an apartment building. He was wearing a worn-out white shirt, jeans, and a cap. The photo was captured while he was getting inside his SUV.

It took Olivia a moment before she realized that the man in the photo was none other than Daxon.

"Daxon is back?" Olivia pretended that she did not know that Daxon was back even though Matthew had mentioned to her that Daxon had returned. She looked up at Sasha with a surprised look on her face but it looks like Sasha was not buying her act.

Sasha shot her a dry look on her face. She took back her phone and put it in her pocket and said, "Don't act as if you don't know,"

Olivia continued to play innocent and shook her head. "I really don't know," She said.

Sasha rolled her eyes and leaned on Olivia's desk. Olivia glanced at her laptop and subtly moved it further from Sasha before she looked back at her.

"You are the girlfriend of one of Daxon's best friends. You should have known!" Sasha said accusingly.

Olivia looked at her with a dumbfounded look on her face. She chuckled and then she pretended to rearrange her desk just so her hands had something to do. "I don't think I have ever read it in the girlfriend's rule book that I should know what is going on in my boyfriend's best friends' lives,"

Sasha glared at Olivia and then she started to whine like a child. "You are so lucky to have Matthew as your boyfriend. I should have gone to your university in college so that I could have met Daxon earlier. I heard that you and Daxon were close back then. Is it true?"

Olivia didn't expect that question. She felt awkward but she managed to hide it by pulling out a folder from her drawer and pretending to study the contents inside it. "No we're not," She replied honestly because that is the truth.

Olivia didn't know where Sasha got the idea that she and Daxon were close back in university. They were acquainted but not close enough to even share a coffee. Though she heard that Daxon once announced that he was going to pursue her, she didn't know if it was true or if he just said that to push Matthew. Because after Daxon said that, Matthew suddenly announced that she was his and that no one is allowed to get near her, touch her or even look at her.

Well, of course, that ended up with Olivia slapping him on his face.

Sasha looked at her as if she didn't believe in her. "No?"

Olivia looked up from the folder and shook her head firmly. "No," She said.

Sasha moved away from the desk only to face her with an eager face. Olivia has been friends with Sasha for quite some time now for her to know that she should be wary of that look.

Olivia leaned her back on her chair to allow distance between her and Sasha's face.

"But you are close now, right?" Sasha asked in a hopeful tone.

"Uhm…quite?" Olivia replied with uncertainty. She doesn't know if she should tell Sasha the truth or lie about it. But she knew that if she said that she and Daxon were not close, Sasha would not believe her.

Olivia and Matthew have been in a relationship for over four years now and during that time, she had gotten close to his friends. Not only with Megan but with Nic, Daxon, and Mason as well. Though she could not tell if she and Timothy were close because Timothy had always been cold and closed off. But then, Timothy was like that even around his friends so Olivia really could not tell.

But aside from Megan, Olivia could tell that she is more comfortable around Daxon than Nic and Mason.

Mason is a certified playboy so she was cautious around him though he had already assured her that he would not hit on her. While Nic, there was just something about him that tells her that she should be scared of him. Though she hasn't seen anything that Nic has done to make her scared of him.

Matthew has a lot of friends, there were twelve of them in fact, and she had met all of them. But Matthew was always with Nic, Mason, and Daxon. Once in a while, with Timothy and Megan as well. So Olivia was closer to them than his other friends.

At her response, Sasha leaned her face closer to Olivia and asked, "Do you have his number?"

Olivia had seen that coming so she looked at Sasha flatly and said, "Yes,"

Sasha's eyes beamed with excitement and Olivia cannot help but feel sorry for her because she will only be disappointed with her answer to her next question.

"Can I have it?" As expected, Sasha asked.

"No," Was Olivia's quick reply, making Sasha's face fall.

"Why not?" Sasha asked in a disheartened voice.

Olivia felt bad for her friend but she just cannot give her what she was asking. She is not the type of person that would matchmake two people and even if she is, she will never do it to Sasha and Daxon because she knows that Sasha is not Daxon's type of girl.

Sasha is a beautiful woman but she is too outspoken. She likes to doll herself up. She was always updated with the latest trends. She is fashionable. She always likes to be the center of everyone's attention. That is why it is a must for her to update her social media status every hour. She is the kind of woman that would announce to the world what she is currently doing.

Sasha is not the smartest but she has common sense. She is good at building relationships and good in communication, which is why she got the job as Bardwell's assistant. But that was not enough to catch Daxon's attention.

She had seen a lot of women like Sasha who tried to get Daxon's attention only for them to be insulted by him behind their backs. That is why Olivia thought that Sasha is not Daxon's type of girl.

Though she really could not tell.

"Because it is not mine to give," Olivia simply said. She doesn't want to risk it. Daxon is a public figure who trusts her with his private information and she will not betray that trust.

But Sasha was not losing hope. "How about you set up a blind date with me and Daxon?"

"No," Olivia quickly replied, making Sasha groan.

"Alright!" Sasha stomped her feet. "Can't you just at least make up a situation where I and Daxon could actually meet?"

Olivia sighed and looked at Sasha with an annoyed look on her face and said, "No. If you are meant to meet, you'll meet. But that is not because of me,"

Sasha looked at her and pursed her lips. She folded her arms in her chest and muttered, "You are such a party pooper,"

Olivia chuckled and shook her head. Then she continued to pretend to read a document but internally, she was hoping for Sasha to leave so that she could continue to work.

Olivia and Sasha had been friends ever since they started working at that company. After a year, Olivia discovered Sasha's obsession with Daxon but she didn't tell her that she knew Daxon. It was just recently when Sasha found out that Olivia's boyfriend was best friends with Daxon and that is how she started pestering Olivia about Daxon's personal information which Olivia was successful in not telling her.

"By the way, what are you working on earlier?" Sasha suddenly asked, making Olivia look up at her. She found Sasha looking at her laptop that she closed earlier.

"Just searching for an interesting issue or scandal. It seems like Bardwell was not happy with my work on Bonneville's story. That is why she hasn't given me a new assignment," Olivia was quick to make up a story.

"Well, that's Bardwell for you. As if you haven't gotten used to her antics. Just wait a couple of hours or days then she'll call you back to her office to give you the story of the year," Sasha said waving her hand in the air.

But in Olivia's thoughts, she already got the possible story of the year but Bardwell thinks that her story is much more worth it.

"Anyway, I gotta go. See you at lunch," Sasha said then she sashayed out of Olivia's cubicle.

Olivia just watched her leave until she was out of sight. Only then could she sigh with relief because she could finally get to work.

Olivia continued working on her laptop. It has been two days since Bardwell gave her that assignment and she hasn't found any clue on the internet as to why Jove Latimer was being investigated and who was investigating him secretly. Most importantly, why he was being investigated. She knew that this was going to be a tough job so she was not surprised.