Waking Up With A Groan

Matthew rolled on his bed and stretched his arm to reach the other side of the bed where Olivia was supposed to be lying beside him. But upon reaching the spot, her side of the bed was empty. He groaned and rolled on his back. "Urgh! Stop disappearing from my bed, woman!"

He heard a beautiful laugh that sounded like music to his ears. What a way to start his day! Matthew said to himself, though it would be better if the owner of that laugh remained naked and snuggled into his bare chest.

Matthew kept his eyes close because he was still too sleepy but he heard the soft footsteps padding across his bedroom toward his side of the bed. Soon enough, he smelt her sweet perfume followed by the touch of her soft lips on his lips.

"Good morning, babe," Matthew heard Olivia's soft morning voice. Her warm breath was touching his face but it was not enough. He reached out his hands to cup her face to pull her back into a searing kiss.

Matthew smirked when a moan escaped Olivia's lips that are still attached to his. He pulled back and opened his eyes to be met by Olivia's closed eyes as if she was still in that kiss. "The morning will be better if you get back here in my arms," he said to her lips.

Olivia opened her eyes as she regained her composure that was lost after that kiss. Matthew hasn't brushed his teeth yet but that doesn't mean his kiss will not make her knees go weak. "Matt, I can't," She said after a while.

Matthew frowned and it was then he realized that Olivia had already brushed her teeth. His eyes roamed her face and noticed that she had already taken a shower and put on makeup. His eyes lowered and saw that she was already dressed in black jeans and a silk blouse. "Hmm? You have dressed already?"

He wondered what time it was and how long Olivia had been awake.

Olivia nodded her head. "Yeah, and I am late," She kissed his cheeks, and then she acted to pull away. But Matthew groaned and wrapped his arms around Olivia's waist before he pulled her with him onto the bed.

"Matthew! You'll crumple my clothes!" Olivia tried to pull herself away from Matthew's arms but his arms around her were strong and tight.

Matthew closed his eyes and ignored Olivia's protest. He pulled her even closer so that she is now on top of him on the bed. "I intend to. So you won't leave,"

"Matthew!" Olivia put her hands on his chest to put distance between them because if Matthew continued pressing her body into his, her silk blouse will definitely get crumpled. But her effort proved to be futile.

Instead of loosening his grip on her, Matthew placed his hand on her head and pressed it to his chest.

"Matt!" Olivia is used to Matthew being clingy. She had long realized that he is a possessive lover and tends to be clingy. So, she is not getting mad at him. She loves him for who he is. But that doesn't mean she won't get annoyed. In fact, she is starting to get annoyed.

But despite that, she always indulges him. So, when she realized that she'll only get her blouse even more crumpled if she moved to get up from him, she stopped her attempt and just let Matthew hold her as he closed his eyes as if getting back to sleep.

Matthew felt Olivia rest her head on his chest. His lips curved into a smile. He stroked her hair down to her back and then he kissed the top of her head.

After a while, Olivia said, "Come on! Let's get some breakfast. I am hungry," and then she stood up.

Matthew didn't stop her and just put his hands under his head as he watched her. He is half-naked in bed but he didn't bother to cover himself.

"What do you want to eat? I'll cook for you," He asked and smirked when he saw Olivia's eyes roam over his naked torso.

Matthew has an athletic body. Blame it on the intense training he had at the private army company owned by Nic's family where he also spent a lot of his childhood because his father works there. Now he is currently working there so he continues his training at least twice a week.

Not to mention he has a home gym and he works out three to four times a week.

When Olivia met Matthew's eyes, she rolled her eyes to hide her blush and said, "Yeah, right! Better get up and follow me downstairs or else I will leave without eating breakfast because I am getting late," she said, and then she turned around and left.

Matthew cannot cook. So, he cannot cook breakfast for her. But he knew that Olivia knows that and he knew that once she followed her, there was already breakfast waiting for him.

And he was right. Because when he arrived in the kitchen, Olivia was already pouring him a cup of coffee, and breakfast was already laid on the kitchen counter where they usually eat since it was just the two of them.

Olivia passed him the cup of coffee and then she sat on the high stool. Matthew did the same and looked at the breakfast that Olivia prepared. Olivia could cook and Matthew was glad that at least one of them could cook.

Olivia made avocado toast, eggs, and sausage. She also squeezed fresh orange juice because she had already drunk her coffee first thing in the morning.

"Thank you for last night," Olivia suddenly said when they were about to finish breakfast.

Matthew looked up and smirked. "You don't have to thank me, babe. Your pleasure is my pleasure," he said. He knew that Olivia needed an out last night. He was glad that he made a decision to take her away from hell also known as her apartment last night because he doubts if she would be able to rest or sleep there last night. He brought her to his apartment and made sure that she'll have that and more.

Olivia who was sitting across from him blushed and her eyes went wide. She knew what Matthew was talking about but it was not what she was talking about. "Matthew! I am not talking about that! Gosh!"

Matthew chuckled when Olivia tried to hide her blushing face by drinking her orange juice. He raised his cup of coffee and brought it to his lips. But before he drank it he said, "But don't deny it. You are thankful for that as well,"

"Oh, God!"

Matthew laughed as he watched Olivia stand up to take their plates to the dishwasher trying to hide her face that had turned deep red.

Soon, it was time for Olivia to leave despite Matthew trying to stop her from leaving soon. It was Saturday and he hates that Olivia has to go to work when he doesn't have work. Yes, he is being clingy, and he knows that. But he doesn't care. He cannot wait until he and Olivia get married and once they do, he will make it a rule that every weekend should be spent with just the two of them. He doesn't care where or how they are going to spend it as long as it was just them…no work in between.

"Bye, babe. I love you," Olivia tipped her toes to kiss Matthew on his lips. She already has her bag and car key in her hands ready to leave Matthew's pad.

Matthew is still half-naked as they stood in front of the door of his pad. His hands were on both sides of Olivia's waist as they deepened their kiss. "I love you too, beautiful," he whispered over her lips when they pulled away.

Olivia gave him one last kiss on his cheeks before she turned around and left.

When Matthew went back inside his pad, he heard his phone ringing. When he looked up at the loft, he saw that the door to his bed was open. It is where the ringing is coming from. He dragged his feet to the stairs and when he reached his bedroom, he saw his phone on the bedside table.

He walked toward the bedside table and looked at his phone to find Nic calling him. He frowned and answered his call. "What?" Matthew sounded pissed though he is not pissed at Nic. He was just a little grumpy because he hoped to spend the day in bed with Olivia. But obviously, he cannot.

"Did someone piss on your coffee?" came Nic's voice from the other line making Matthew even more annoyed.

"Shut up!" Matthew replied.

"He probably woke up without Liv beside him," Then he heard Mason's voice from the background. He frowned and looked at the time on the wall clock. It is eight in the morning. Why are Nic and Mason together early on a Saturday morning?

But instead of asking that, he said, "Shut the fuck up, Mason!" he is certain that Mason could hear him anyway. "Wait. Why are you two together?" he finally asked as he walked out of the bedroom.

"When was the last time you checked your phone?" Nic asked instead of answering his question.

But before Matthew could answer, he heard Mason speak again. "Probably since he and Liv got to bed," then it was followed by laughter.

Matthew just rolled his eyes because Mason was right. In fact, he had forgotten about his phone ever since he got Olivia home. Once he and Olivia were at home, either in his pad or her apartment, he always makes sure that his focus and attention are only on her. He wanted to show her his love and respect with just simple things and giving her his attention is one of them.

"Nevermind. Meeting at the underground," Nic said when Matthew didn't respond.

Matthew frowned before his eyes went wide when he realized what was going on. Now he knows why Nic and Mason were together early on a Saturday morning. "Shit! Okay, I am coming,"

It looks like he is going to be busy as well today.