Less Than 24 Hours (Part 3)

Timothy's computer continued to locate the exact location of one of the calls until it stopped at one particular mansion.

"There," Mason pointed his finger at the monitor as if his friends couldn't see that.

"That's General Shuldberg's residence," Nic said, folding his arms in front of his chest.

At the mention of the general's name, Matthew finally matched the voice to the face of the general. He had worked with the general before. The general approached the private army company where Matthew was working to ask for help in drawing up a protection strategy for the President who was receiving threats from a criminal organization from another country.

"General Shuldberg is a three-star general who combats transnational criminal organizations,"

Transnational criminal organizations were organized crime groups, drug traffickers, and weapon dealers as well as underground markets working in more than one country. They execute their illegal business ventures by illegally crossing borders and using systematic violence and corruption.

"Do you think Jove Latimer is involved in one of those criminal organizations?" Nic asked as he looked at Matthew. If it was General Shuldberg who was behind the investigation of Jove Latimer, then it was a possibility.

A possibility that Matthew was very well aware of.

Matthew didn't answer Nic, instead, it was Mason who spoke. "If he is, then Liv is in a deeper shit,"

Matthew glared at Mason even though he knew that his friend was right.

Olivia is possibly not just dealing with Jove Latimer but also with a transnational organized crime group. The story that Olivia is currently chasing could definitely put her into her grave without anyone finding out.

Nic turned his head to Timothy and said, "The general mentioned that he already has someone on Jove Latimer's email and phone. I think we should do that as well to see who he has been contacting,"

"If he is contacting a transnational criminal organization, then those calls or emails might be encrypted," Daxon pointed out.

Mason just shrugs his shoulders. "But nothing is impossible. We got Tim," He said, patting Timothy's shoulder which earned him an icy glare from the latter. They all know of Timothy's capabilities and skills. He is a computer genius and a very perceptive, intuitive, and meticulous person. So they are all confident in Timothy.

"I'll see what organizations General Shuldberg is currently investigating. Maybe we can find something from there," Matthew volunteered since it was his girlfriend involved and he has a connection with the general. Not only Matthew has a very strategic mind but he also has good interpersonal skills.

Matthew is good with verbal and non-verbal communication. He has a very pleasing personality that makes it easier for him to gain a person's trust and dependability. It was easy for him to form a camaraderie.

After being silent for a while, Timothy suddenly said, "Meg also got something," It was only then they noticed that Timothy was looking at his phone. It seems like he got a message from his girlfriend and now he is calling her.

When it seems like Timothy's call got through, he put his phone on the loudspeaker that is connected to the speaker of his computer.

Matthew's ears were instantly focused on what Megan was about to say. As they get to know more about the case that Olivia is following just to write a good story out of it, Matthew is feeling more and more dreadful.

Currently, he has the urge to go and find his woman and take her to a place where she won't be able to chase any more trouble.

"What is it?" Matthew asked when they heard footsteps instead of Megan's voice.

The sounds of footsteps halted and then a car door opened and then closed. It appears Megan needed privacy which she could certainly get inside her own car. That means, what she is about to tell them is a very sensitive topic that she cannot afford anyone accidentally hearing her.

Finally, Megan's voice came, "Three years ago, there was an outbreak of a virus that is similar to chicken pox though it was a different strain. Most of the people who acquired the virus came from district 3,"

"District 3…" Daxon's voice trailed off as if he was thinking of something that is related to the place that was mentioned.

But Matthew immediately thought of what Daxon was trying to come up with, "Latimer's biggest hospital is in district 3," he said.

"Yes. District 3 is both a residential and commercial district. Most of the patients were sent to Latimer's hospital," Megan confirmed and they could imagine her nodding her head. Then she continued, "The outbreak took six months and ended when a cure was developed. It was developed by Latimer's pharmaceutical company,"

Matthew remembered that outbreak that sent a lot of people, especially those in high society to panic. Not that the disease was highly deadly, it was just very contagious and…gross to look at. It was a different strain of chicken pox but the signs and symptoms were like that of chicken pox but worse. Anyone who will acquire that disease will immediately be shunned and isolated even after they were cured.

People refused to leave their houses for fear of contracting the disease. They started to hoard food and became violent toward people who were suspected to have contracted the disease even if the symptoms haven't manifested yet.

Fortunately, Matthew lives on the outskirts of the city which is far from District 3. The company he works for is located outside the city. Their headquarters were strict when it comes to outsiders so no one can enter without a background check and authorization. His friends on the other hand live outside the city or at least far from district 3, so they were barely affected by the outbreak.

"Now that is suspicious," Nic suddenly said while rubbing his jaw.

Matthew was actually thinking the same.

Daxon added, "Especially that in the same year, Latimer's stock and net worth plummeted," It was no surprise that Daxon is knowledgeable about that because his family's law firm handles Latimer's account. Daxon might be focusing on being a musician but that doesn't mean he doesn't know what is going on in the law firm that he is going to inherit in the future.

"I'll go and dig up more information about this before Olivia gets ahead of me and puts herself into trouble," They heard Megan speak again, making Matthew groan.

"What do you mean?" Matthew asked, dreading Megan's answer.

"I already gave her the contact numbers of the undercover cops and she immediately got herself a date with one of them,"

Matthew's eyes went wide in anger. Not because of the date part because he knew that Megan is just trying to jest him but the part that Olivia had already accomplished a lot of things in less than a day. "The fuck! Since when did that happen?" He asked, wondering how Olivia managed to convince an undercover cop to meet with her.

But then…it was Olivia. Should he be surprised? Olivia's inquisitiveness could take her anywhere.

"Just this morning," Megan replied.

"Goddamnit! It is not even 12 hours since she left," Matthew has the urge to pull out all the hair from his head in frustration.

"She's good. She is definitely going to be a great asset in our department," Megan said and Matthew could imagine her smirking. It was making him even more frustrated.

"Don't you even dare, Meg!" Matthew glared at Timothy's phone.

At the tone of Matthew's voice toward his girlfriend, Timothy cannot help but glare icily at him.

"Do you think I haven't?" Came Megan's mocking response. Though it was true. Megan knew Olivia's capabilities and hinted to her a couple of times to change professions even though she knew that Olivia's answer is always no.

"Fuck!" Matthew groaned and then he walked to the sofa and let his body fall on it unceremoniously. He felt drained.

Mason smirked and sat leisurely beside Matthew. He said, "Relax! She loves her job too much to change careers," His words don't even make Matthew feel better because Olivia's job is enough to send him to his early grave.

"But she'll do good on our team," Nic said to add fuel to Matthew's burning frustration.

Matthew glared at him and said, "Don't…you even think about it,"

Because of Olivia's inquisitiveness, she could do a career as a detective or investigator in any form. But Matthew still thought that being his personal assistant would fit her better.

"I'm surprised Liv hasn't hung out with Cole yet," Daxon said.

Cole is their friend who is an adrenaline junkie. Just like Olivia, he loves chasing trouble intentionally. He likes sports or any kind of activity that will pump up his adrenaline.

"Maybe chasing after criminals is more exciting?" Mason said with a smirk.

"Don't I know it," Daxon answered.

Who else knows what kind of adrenaline one could get from chasing after criminals than them?

Matthew was starting to get pissed and it was not helping that his friends were talking about his girlfriend who is currently chasing trouble God knows where. So he stood up and acted to leave.

"I'll go check on my woman," Matthew said. It was already late at night. He promised that he will pick up Olivia in her apartment to take her to his pad to sleep and rest. But since Olivia is not yet calling him, he is certain that Olivia was buried in a pile of papers in the middle of her living room forgetting about food and time.