The Man Who Found The Dead Man (Part 2)

When it seems that she already got what she could get from Megan, Olivia changed the topic. "Hey, I heard congratulations are in order," She said, glancing at Megan's ring finger. Sure enough, a diamond ring was glistening on it. She smiled and looked up at Megan who was also looking at her engagement ring.

"Yeah," Megan's reply was short but Olivia could see the change in her demeanor. It was as if she suddenly turned soft at the mention of her engagement to the man she loved.

Olivia couldn't contain her excitement as she hugged Megan around her shoulders. "Ah! I am so happy for you. I can't wait to see you in a white wedding gown,"

Megan pulled away from Olivia and looked at her as if she was reading her mind. She narrowed her eyes at her and said, "Don't even think about it,"

Olivia was not even surprised that Megan knew she was already picturing her in a photoshoot wearing a white wedding gown. In fact, if Megan is going to go shopping for a wedding gown, she wants to be there. But it looks like Megan doesn't have any plans. "Don't tell me you are not going to wear a white wedding gown?" She asked with a slight frown.

"I am considering not to," Megan replied and saw the young police she called earlier already on the other side of the patrol car. Unfortunately for her, the young police officer is her new partner. He was assigned to her by her chief thinking that she could mentor him.

"Hey! It is once in a lifetime," Olivia suddenly cried, making Megan look back at her.

"You know Tim wouldn't mind. If it was me, I prefer that we just go to the civil registrar and register our marriage wearing my uniform then bam! It's done," Megan said, which didn't surprise Olivia because it was Megan and Timothy's personality. But she still hopes to see her in a white wedding gown.

Olivia shook her head in resignation. "You are crazier than me," She said.

"Your man is scowling at me," Megan said when she saw that Matthew was looking at them with a frown on his face as if wondering what they are talking about that is keeping his woman.

Olivia looked in Matthew's direction and saw that he was indeed scowling. She chuckled and pulled her body away from the patrol car. "Oh, right! Thanks for your help! I'll see you later!" She said and then she waved her hand walking away from Megan who was shaking her head.

Once inside the car, Matthew started to drive away from the station. When Olivia told him of her plans for the day, he immediately felt the urge to accompany her. With the amount of danger, Olivia was putting herself into, with Latimer's case and her vigilante theory…although the latter was not really dangerous at all at least for Olivia, Matthew was becoming more worried about her safety. If he could he would go everywhere she goes even if it means he has to abandon his job for a while. It is not as if he is neglecting his job.

Matthew's working hours were very flexible. He was not required to report to his office on time or every day. He could take his job wherever he is. But most of the time, he prefers doing it at his office because he could focus more if he is in his work environment.

Matthew considered it for a moment until he decided that he is not going to work for the day and would accompany Olivia instead.

When Matthew told Olivia about it, she was excited and confused at the same time. Her excitement was genuine. Matthew could see that the idea of him coming with her in her hunt for a newsworthy story excited her. And Matthew was glad that she felt that way instead of being annoyed and irritated thinking that it was just Matthew's way of following her in her job.

It was not the first time that Matthew accompanied her in her work. He had done it before. Every time that he thought the case assigned to her was dangerous, he would offer to come with her and she would accept his offer without doubting his intentions.

Matthew was aware that Olivia knew that it was his way of making sure that she is safe but he never heard her complain because apparently, she likes the idea of them spending time together even if it was for work.

"Did you get anything?" Matthew asked as soon as they were out of the police station.

"Kind of," Olivia replied while looking at her phone. She just received a message from Megan. A smile broke on her lips as soon as she read it.

Matthew frowned when Olivia seemed to ignore him. He looked at her and noticed her busy typing on her phone, making him frown deeper. But he didn't ask why she was smiling or who she was texting, instead, he asked, "So, where to next?"

But instead of answering his question, Olivia looked up at him with an innocent smile and asked, "Can I borrow your phone?" Then she held her palm open.

Matthew glanced at the road before she looked back at Olivia and then at her open hand. "Why?" he asked.

"I need to track someone," Olivia answered. She knew that Timothy installed something on Matthew's phone that could track someone's phone. She also knew that Matthew had used it to track her location whenever she was not answering his calls or his text messages but she didn't mind as long as it would stop him from worrying about her.

But aside from that, she had also taken the privilege of using that tracking for her own benefit as well.

So, Matthew just nodded his head and reached for his phone, and passed it to Olivia as it is not uncommon for her to ask for his phone to track someone.

After a minute of typing on Matthew's phone, Olivia grinned widely and put her boyfriend's phone on the phone stand attached to the dashboard of the car. Then she said, "Let's go here," pointing at Matthew's phone showing a map and a locator.

Matthew glanced at his phone and then he looked at Olivia with a smile. He nodded his head and then he reached for her hand and kissed the back of her hand. There is nothing he will not do for her. If he wants to go to hell in the name of a newsworthy story, he will take her and be with her to protect her and ensure that she will be able to make it out of there unscathed.

Ten minutes later, they reached an al fresco coffee shop that was filled with customers. They parked in front of it and looked around as if searching for someone.

"Who are we looking for?" Matthew asked as he looked around.

"Uhm…wait," Olivia answered. Her face is almost glued to the windshield of the car as she narrowed her eyes and scanned each face in the coffee shop.

For a moment there, she thought that the tracker in Matthew's phone directed them in the wrong direction until she spotted someone that looked familiar. "I think that's him," She said pointing her finger to a blonde man wearing a dress shirt and pants.

When Megan sent her the details of the mountaineer who found Franklin Amudsen's body inside a ranger's cabin, she also sent her the photo of the man so that she wouldn't have a hard time finding him.

The photo that Megan sent her was captured the day that the man found Franklin Amudsen so he was wearing a soft shell jacket and pants, his hair was sticking everywhere and he was covered with dust and sweat.

But the man she found in the coffee shop wore a dress shirt and pants which was in complete contrast to how he looked in the photo.

But his face looked the same. He just looked…cleaner than in the photo.

"Who is he?" Matthew asked as his eyes landed on the man that Olivia was pointing at. With just one look, he could already tell that he doesn't like the man. There was just something about him that he doesn't trust…especially around Olivia. It was a good decision to go with Olivia because there is no way he is going to leave Olivia in the company of the man with an aura that screams…shady, despite his clean appearance.

"The mountaineer who found Amudsen's body in the ranger's cabin," Olivia replied, making Matthew look at her with disbelief on his face.

"What do you need him for?" Matthew asked.

Olivia turned to look at him and said, "I just wanted to know how he found the body,"

Matthew sighed. He knows that there is no talking her out of it so he just said, "I am coming with you," There is no way he would let Olivia talk to that man alone.

Fortunately, Olivia knows what will make Matthew feel better so she just smiles and nods her head. "Okay,"

Matthew stepped out of the car first and walked around to help Olivia but she already got out. Olivia smiled and then grabbed his hand. They walked toward the coffee shop but instead of going to the counter or searching for a vacant table, they headed straight for the table that was occupied by the person Olivia wanted to meet.

"Lake Wren?" Olivia called as soon as they stopped in front of the man's table.

Lake Wren is alone at his table playing with his phone. There was a cup of iced coffee and a plate of sandwiches on his table, both seemed untouched. He slowly looked up from his phone and flatly asked, "Do I know you?" His eyes lingered on Olivia's face longer than Matthew deemed appropriate.

Olivia was hardly bothered by Lake Wren's rudeness. She shook her head and introduced herself, "No. But I'm Olivia Bennet. I work for…"