Olivia Finally Found Them

Olivia sat in front of the many computer screens that are now starting to overwhelm her. Multiple screens in front of her show her different places in what she assumes were inside the underground establishment where she is. Though there were images that made her doubt if they were in the same place as it was in contrast with the others.

There were screens showing the empty hallways. Some were bright and well lit while there were some that were dark and looked creepy. It makes her think that it was a different place.

There were images of what looked like a laboratory, hospital hallways, hospital rooms, and a surgical room which made Olivia wonder where it was. Because it doesn't seem like it was in the establishment where she is. Why would there be a laboratory and hospital under a mountain? But the odd thing is that it seemed almost empty of people. She only saw three people wearing laboratory gowns and that's it.

Then she saw cells. Some were occupied by people she doesn't recognize. Most of them were badly beaten. Some were hanging on the ceiling with their hands. Some were tied to a chair. Some were asleep on the cold and dirty floor making her doubt if they are still alive. Olivia felt goosebumps on her skin because it looked like not an ordinary prison cell.

There were also images of someone's house. Not outside though, but inside. The aesthetics of the interior of the house tells her that the owner was rich. There were multiple living rooms, a kitchen, dining rooms, entertainment rooms, game rooms, and a gym. But no one is home. She wondered who owned it.

Another odd thing she noticed is the images of hotel rooms that are occupied. Isn't that an invasion of privacy? She wondered what hotel allows its room to have cameras in it. And why do they have to put cameras inside those hotel rooms?

Now it makes Olivia wonder what kind of place Matthew took her and what is his involvement in it.

Olivia turned her head to the side to look at Matthew who was sitting on another chair doing something on the computers in front of him.

Suddenly, the image on the three screens in front of her changed which caught Olivia's attention. On one screen, she saw a man tied to a chair. His head was hung low so she couldn't recognize him but for some reason, she found him familiar. On the second screen, she saw Daxon dragging a woman inside another cell. Once he had placed the woman inside, Daxon hastily left while the woman tried to catch up to him but she was late as Daxon had already closed and locked the cell. On the third screen, Nic and Mason were inside another cell. Nic was holding a man who seemed asleep on a chair while Mason was behind the man obviously tying him to the chair.

Olivia more or less knew who those people were. But she still turned to look at Matthew and asked, "Matthew…who are they?"

Matthew didn't answer but the look on his face says it all.

Olivia's eyes went wide and her hands instinctively covered her mouth. "Oh my God!" She looked back at the screens with her trembling hands. "W-what are they d-doing there?" She stuttered while thinking of the crime that her boyfriend and friends were committing. "Are they in jail? But…" Olivia shook her head. She is not stupid not to realize that they were not in jail.

"No. They are not," Matthew shook his head confirming Olivia's thoughts. He watched Olivia as he continued. "They are…somewhere in this place,"

Olivia turns her head at him with a look that demand's explanation.

So, Matthew started to explain. "This is an underground facility that is owned by Nic's family. This whole place…" He paused and look at the multiple screens in front of them, "...the huge part of this mountain is a property of Nic's family that no one except close family and friends knows off,"

Olivia was dumbfounded. She knew that Nic's family was rich. Matthew, Mason, Timothy, and Megan's family all worked for Nic's family. That's how rich they are. But she wouldn't have guessed that they were so rich that they owned a huge part of a mountain that even has an underground facility.

Now come to think of it, there are a lot of things that she doesn't know about Nic. Among Matthew's friends, Nic is the most private. She knew that his parents were powerful and influential but she hadn't met them. But she had met his twin sister and brother.

Olivia heard Matthew continue. "This facility has three parts," He started to point his finger at the screens. "A medical research and laboratory, a bunker…"

Olivia's jaw dropped. So that laboratory and the hospital-like facility were inside that underground facility? And that house was a bunker inside the facility as well. She wondered how huge the facility is.

"...and cells," Matthew pointed at the screens that showed the cells.

"Those cells," Olivia muttered. Matthew just confirmed that those cells were inside the facility and not prison cells in a police station.

Matthew nodded his head. "Yes. Those cells were part of this facility," Then he looked at Olivia and saw the confused look on her face.

Olivia started to slowly shake her head as she looked at the screens. "Why?" She asked and then she turned her head to look at Matthew. "Why do they have them?" She asked what confuses her.

Yes. Nic's family is rich. But why would they have an underground facility that has a laboratory, bunker, and prison cells? Do they have a medical research company? Do they somehow know if there is going to be a war or a natural calamity that would destroy their city in the future? That is why they built a bunker underground as a shelter. Are they renting out those cells to the government to lock up extremely dangerous criminals?

But none of those were the answers.

Matthew stared at Olivia and said, "Our families were not satisfied with the justice system of our country. So we rather seek justice in our own way,"

Olivia took her time to comprehend what Matthew said. She is not stupid not to understand what he meant. If anyone commits a crime against them, instead of reporting it to the authorities to get justice, they will seek justice on their own. Instead of letting the system punish them, they punish them on their own. It was just another way of saying 'revenge'.

Olivia knew that seeking justice on their own is not uncommon. She had heard of people killing people in the name of justice because it was taking too long for the authorities to give it to them. But Nic's family's way of getting justice was on a different level.

Was it too extravagant?

But a word that Matthew said caught her. She frowned and tilted her head. "Your families?" She clearly heard 'our families' instead of 'Nic's family'.

Matthew nodded his head. "Yes. Not just Nic's family. Mason's family, Daxon's family, Tim and Megan's family, and my family. You know how our families were close, right?"

Olivia nodded her head unconsciously. Their families were not just working for Nic's family. They were friends. They were family.

Does Matthew mean, whatever Nic's family does in the underground facility, Matthew and his family does as well? If anyone commits a crime against their family, they taken them to the underground facility…to punish them?

"But this is illegal," Olivia said what she first thought of it. Which was true.

Matthew nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, it is. But we are just doing this to protect our family and the people we love. It is not like we are hurting or…killing innocent people," He said in a matter-of-fact tone.

Olivia's eyes went wide. "You…k-killed people?" She asked as if it was far-fetched. She knew that Matthew is a very capable man. When he was young he trained like a soldier in the private army company he was working for. He knew a lot of fighting skills and Olivia had seen him fight. He could use a gun like he was born for it. But she never imagined that Matthew could kill people, especially with his character and personality.

But his response made Olivia pale. "Yeah. If needed, we kill people instead of letting our families get killed. But I assure you that no innocent people were killed. If you know who those people are, you would say that they deserve it,"

Olivia remembered what Matthew said. They are doing it to protect their family and loved ones. Then it hits her, "Is that the reason why you took that woman and Jove Latimer? To protect me?"


Olivia's shoulder sagged at Matthew's answer. Now she feels that those people's lives are on her. Will Matthew kill them because of her?

"But not only that," Matthew said, making Olivia look back at him.

"You saw those women on Jove Latimer's farm," Matthew stated as he watched Olivia's reaction. He planned on telling her what they were doing and he was doing just that before he lost his courage to do it. He is going to tell her everything.

"They need justice for what Jove Latimer and Edita did to them," They found out that the name of the human trafficker that Olivia followed and almost kidnapped her was Edita. "The same goes for Thiago Elrod's daughter. She needs justice for what her father did to her. And we are going to give them the justice that the system is failing to give them,"

Olivia felt like her world was slowing down. She felt as if her blood rushed up to her head. Of course, the man she saw that Nic and Mason were tying down on a chair was Jove Latimer. And the woman who tried to kidnap her was Edita. The other man, though she felt familiar, could not recognize because his head was down.

But now that Matthew mentioned it, she instantly recognized the name. Why not? That man's name was on the news recently as he was reported to be missing. Investigations were done until it finally revealed that the man raped and killed his own daughter.

Of course, Olivia knew him and his crimes because his photo and name are currently pinned on her board back at her apartment. Thiago Elrod is one of the criminals that Olivia thought was taken by the vigilante.

And it looks like she had found the man and also the people who had taken him.

"You…" Olivia said in a breathless and weak tone. "Y-you a-are…" She tried to stand up even though she felt her whole body down to her cells getting weak as if she lost her bone. She staggered backward and the back of her knees hit the chair she was sitting on earlier.

If it wasn't for Matthew who just caught her by her shoulders, she would have fallen on the floor.

Olivia looked up at Matthew and said, "V-vigilante…"

"Yes, Liv," Matthew answered as he stared down at Olivia with worry and apprehension. "We are the vigilante that you are searching for,"

Olivia stared back at Matthew. Her face was filled with surprise and disbelief. She wanted to think that Matthew was just bluffing. That he was just making a prank on her. But his words…the evidence were all in front of her. In fact, she was standing inside the evidence.

Matthew and his friends were the vigilantes that she was searching for. They were the ones behind the missing criminals that were later on found tortured and killed.

They tortured them on the same ground she was under.

Olivia could not believe that the person…the people she was searching for was standing in front of her…looking at her with a mixture of worry and apprehension, which she understands. She just told him that if she found the vigilante, she would expose them and point them to the authorities.

But now that the vigilante was standing in front of her…could she expose them? Could she expose him? His boyfriend?