A Special Vacation (Part 2)

Olivia and Matthew spent the next four days doing everything and anything they could think of while they were at the beach.

On the first day…the day they arrived, they spent the rest of the day by the beach. When they felt hungry, they ordered food that could be served and eaten on the beach. They stayed there until sunset. Only when the sun had left the sky did they return to their room.

The next day, they woke up early because the resort offered them to try their different water activities. They tried snorkeling, diving, canoeing, and kayaking since Olivia thought that it was much simpler and doable. She thought that it looked easy to do.

But she was wrong. She easily did canoeing and kayaking since she had done it before with Matthew but in a river. But she had a hard time snorkeling and diving since it was her first time.

Matthew gladly helped and taught her because…is there anything that he cannot do? He always bragged to Olivia that she was lucky that Matthew was a master of all things.

Olivia just rolled her eyes and said, "Except for cooking,"

The rest of the day was spent in their room, either sleeping or eating. But Matthew never let a day pass without making love to her which she doesn't mind, especially at night because the ambiance of the room turned romantic when the lights were on inside the room and nothing but occasional lights outside like fireflies.

The following days were spent like that, but Matthew managed to convince Olivia to try more daring water activities like water skiing, waterboarding, sailing, parasailing, and jet skiing. At first, Olivia was reluctant because at first glance, she thought that it was dangerous.

But once Olivia had started to try one, her adrenaline took over her and it was easier for her to try the others.

Matthew was there every time Olivia tried those activities for the first time. And he enjoys watching her as her expressions turn from fear into excitement. Especially when she managed to do one activity successfully. It was like, her adrenaline was all over the place and it was contagious.

Matthew took pride in seeing the love of his life happy, knowing that it was he who put that smile on his face.

On the fourth day, Matthew took Olivia island hopping. But instead of having someone take them, Matthew rented a boat and sailed it with Olivia. He just wanted it to be just him and Olivia.

Olivia was surprised that Matthew knew how to sail a boat. Again, Matthew bragged that he is a master of everything.

Actually, it was close to the truth. Not because they were rich and had the privilege to learn a lot of things that could involve money. But because of the place where he grew up and the people whom he grew up with.

Matthew might not be as smart as Timothy but he is skillful. If he wanted to learn a thing, he would do it as long as he was given a chance. As a child, Matthew grew up inside the headquarters of the private army where he was working. One, because his father worked there. And two, because his friends were there as well. Especially Nic who lived there.

Inside the headquarters, they are privileged to use all the facilities it has. From the gym to the firing range, to the custom vehicle factory, the computer laboratory, and training grounds. It was practically their playground.

So at a young age, Matthew was already familiar with different kinds of guns. He knows how to assemble and disassemble it. He knows how to fire it. He knows different kinds of martial arts since the private army company trains their agents in different fighting forms. So, Matthew trains as well. He is very familiar with different kinds of vehicles. From land vehicles to air vehicles and water vehicles. He knows how they run and he knows how to run them.

So, it was no surprise that he knew how to navigate a boat.

And he was now using that skill to make his woman happy. In fact, he would do anything, even those things that he hasn't done in the past just to make her happy.

Two weeks ago, when he hadn't told Olivia about his and his friends' unlawful activities, Matthew's heart was still filled with dread and anxiousness. There is that fear and uncertainty if he would still have her in the next week…or month.

But now…it is different. Olivia already knew and although there were a lot of bumps in the process…though Olivia took days to which Matthew's heart was embraced by fear…she accepted it. Olivia accepted him…she accepted all of him…everything about him.

Olivia might not agree or approve of some things but she assured Matthew that in time, she will. And Matthew could not ask for more.

Except for one.

Matthew felt that finally, everything was falling into its place. It feels perfect.

So, he thought that it was now time to act on the plan that he drew up months ago.

So, since it is their last night, Matthew prepared a special and romantic dinner for Olivia. He paid the chef of the restaurant in the hotel to prepare all of Olivia's favorite dishes. Not the usual that Olivia eats anywhere or would cook at home.

Once in a while, Matthew would take Olivia to a fine dining restaurant which Olivia thought was just a waste of money, but she still enjoys and appreciates. And he had taken note of the dishes that she really fell in love with and said that she wanted to taste them again in the future.

He just so loves her that he would have her taste it again…but this time on a more special night and occasion.

"This is nice," Olivia said softly as she looked around them. The porch was illuminated by warm yellow lights. Outside the villa, there were also occasional warm lights in the bushes. Though it was dark, anyone could tell that they were near the sea because of the sounds of water kissing the sandy beach. The chirping sounds of the crickets were in sync with the sound of the waves making an unusual yet beautiful melody.

It made the atmosphere even more romantic.

Especially when the small dining table that was on the porch was now in the garden outside the villa. It was surrounded by vintage lamps. Some were hanging in the branches of trees while others were simply on the ground.

Their table was decorated romantically and lavishly. Red and white rose petals were scattered on the white table cloth along with small candles. At the center of the table was a vase filled with more red and white roses.

"Mmm…" Olivia heard Matthew hum in response. She paused from slicing her roasted lamb and looked at Matthew who was sitting across from her with a frown on her face. Because Matthew will never answer her with just a hum. Their table is small so Matthew is still close enough for her to notice that he doesn't seem like he was enjoying his meal.

Olivia tilted her head and asked, "Are you okay?"

Matthew smiled but the smile didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah," He answered as he quickly ate his lamb.

But Olivia was not convinced. She watched him eat everything on his plate as if he was eager to finish their dinner and go to bed. So she assumed that maybe he is just tired from all the activities in the past few days. Not to mention, once in a while, he managed to do some of his work whenever they were in the villa.

"You looked tired," Olivia said, feeling her appetite slowly leaving her. "Should we go to sleep after dinner?" She asked.

"Sure," Matthew answered quickly, not looking at Olivia.

Though she was the one who suggested it, Olivia felt disappointed that what she thought was a beautiful night would suddenly end just like that because Matthew is tired. It is not the Matthew she knew.

The Matthew she knew would not mind his fatigue as long as he was successful in his goal. And his goal for the day was to enjoy a romantic dinner with her and make her happy. But it doesn't seem like they are going to meet that goal.

Yes, they were having a romantic dinner but Matthew doesn't seem like he was enjoying it. So, why would Olivia enjoy it? Olivia was really happy because of Matthew's effort but she feels that there is something wrong with the way that Matthew is acting, making her feel anxious.

Olivia lowered her head and tried to finish her meal. But as much as the roast lamb tasted delicious, her throat doesn't seem to be functioning well because she was having a hard time swallowing it. Blame it on the fact that she was starting to feel her anxiousness crawling up from her stomach to her throat making her feel like she was going to throw up.

And every second that Matthew was acting odd as he silently stared at the darkness of the sea as if it was more interesting than looking at her, Olivia is feeling worse. It made her think, did she do something wrong to upset him?

But as far as she can remember, she did not. In fact, throughout the day, they have been laughing, and smiling at each other, kissing and making love.

Olivia cannot think of anything that would make Matthew suddenly turn…cold toward her.

Or maybe something happened at work?

Olivia sighed. She cannot take it anymore so she dropped her knife and pork and reached out for the glass of wine. She drank it all without noticing that Matthew was now staring worriedly at her.

Once Olivia had finished her wine. She dabbed her mouth with a table napkin indicating that she was done with the meal and ready to call it a day. But when she looked up to tell Matthew that she was done with the meal and wanted to go to bed, she found his chair empty.