The Interrogation of Latimer (Part 3)

The room was filled with Jove Latimer's scream. If he thought that he was tortured enough, he hasn't seen what really is coming into him. He screamed again when another whip landed on his back. This time, it came from Daxon's cat o nine tails. "Ahh! Stop! Stop it! Why are you doing this for those whore? They were just–Ah!" But he cannot seem to realize that it would be better for him to just shut his mouth.

Jove Latimer, who doesn't know what's good for him, continued to rant. "If you want them, you can have them. Have it all–Ah! Fuck!" But his torturer seems to be enjoying his rant because it only earns him more lashing.

Matthew leaned closer to Nic and said, "I don't know how he convinced people that he was a saint," He doesn't have a plan in joining Daxon and Mason because he was going home to Olivia after that. He doesn't want to have a speck of blood on his shirt once he gets home. If Timothy called them earlier, he might have joined them.