Lies, and Secrets (Part 4)

Olivia cannot blame him though. He was not supposed to have a break for two weeks yet he did because of her.

Olivia was having lunch with an informant in a small cafeteria a few blocks from her office. It was one of the places where she usually meets her informant in the city because it was less popular even though the food there was great. She doesn't know why.

She had already finished her lunch and had already said thanks and goodbye to her informant when she saw Matthew pass by the cafeteria and he was not alone.

She thought that she saw him walking with a familiar person but she thought that it was impossible. Matthew will never be with that person especially when he promised that he will stay away from her.

Still, Olivia doesn't have a good feeling about it. So, she quickly gathered her things and hastily walked out of the cafeteria in the hope that maybe she was wrong. Maybe, it was not Matthew. Or maybe, it was him but he was with someone else.