Belle To The Rescue (Part 3)

"Mom…" Matthew immediately protested because he was thinking the same. He should be the one to talk to Olivia about his concerns and worries.

But Belle being a woman could see and feel something that a man like her son cannot. Talking to Olivia might give her an idea of what was wrong and then, maybe she could prepare Matthew before he talks to her. "Don't worry. I will be discreet. I will just inquire how she is faring," She said.

Matthew looked at his mother and then at the empty glasses in front of them. It looks like his mother decided that they already had enough so she stopped pouring them more of the hard liquor. Which he was thankful for. Because he doesn't want to go home to Olivia reeking of alcohol.

After a while, he said, "Okay…maybe she would be more open to you, after all, you were like a mother to her,"