Words The Killed Her (Part 1)

It was not just Matthew's presence that surprised Olivia but his look as well. He looked…different. She was certain that it was Matthew…her heart tells her so but Matthew appeared like he was a different person. Especially with the way he was looking at her.

Olivia's surprise turned into confusion. "What are you doing here?" She asked and then her eye caught the movement behind Matthew. Her confusion turned into a deep frown and suspicion. "Why are you with her?" She asked, this time her voice was thick.

Matthew scoffed and looked at Olivia with disgust which made the latter take a step back because Matthew had never looked at her that way. "You spoke as if you were the saint here Olivia," He said then he stepped inside the room leaving Ava outside to watch them.

With every step that Matthew took forward, Olivia took a step backward.