One Thing In Common

Ahmir Clive stepped forward but he didn't take a step down the stairs and Daxon could guess that it was because he likes looking down at people, literally and figuratively.

Ahmir Clive tucked his hands in his pockets and smiled professionally. "Good morning. Thank you for coming. I am sorry that I had to call you here. I hope I was not taking much of your time," He said, looking at Lance and ignoring Daxon's presence, which the latter doesn't mind at all.

Daxon did not come for him anyway. But that doesn't mean he would not make a comment. "It was over three hours of the drive here," He said while looking around though there is nothing much to see but tall shrubs that limit his view.

That only made Daxon think that Ahmir Clive and his family are hiding something. That only made Daxon think that Ahmir Clive and his family are hiding something.