A Visit From A Mother

Instead of greeting her back, Lily Kho frowned and looked at the sofa and then at her. "What are you doing?"

It was just then that Amina realized she was oddly standing in front of the sofa while her head was turned toward the door where Lily Kho was still standing. She is uncertain if Lily Kho could guess that she was pushing the sofa back in its place but still, the way she was standing there was a little odd and confusing to anyone who would see her.

"Uhm…I thought I saw a stain," She said pointing at the fabric sofa. Lily Kho knew that her son was oddly unpredictable. One day he could care less about a spilled coffee on his sofa and then another day, a single speck of dirt would bother him and send his mood wayward.

But Amina became anxious that Lily Kho didn't see it that way because she kept standing by the doorway and staring at her with a slight frown on her face. She hoped she could read what the beautiful woman was thinking but she can't