End Of Gospel (Part 2)

The woman that could be mistaken as a teenager wore a black tight fitting dress that reached below her knees, which could be longer than that since she was sitting and had her legs crossed, was looking down at him with her red lips pressed into thin lines. 

Only the soles of her shoes were reached by the lights but Gospel could see her eyes staring coldly at him. 

The woman opened her lips and said, "Tell me your name," Her voice was so sweet that Gospel could have mistaken that she was innocently seducing him. But he knew she was not. He had heard how her looks and voice could be deceiving. 

First, she may look like a teenager but the truth is, she was already past forty. Secondly, she may look sweet and innocent but she was a devil dressed in a sheepskin. She was ruthless, merciless, and wicked. A wicked witch, that's what others call her because of her ability to disguise herself as a young beautiful maiden but her insides were rotten.