Ahmir Clive’s Punishment

"I feel like we are having a party. The house is full," Mason said enthusiastically as he walked through the dark and cold hallway of the underground facility. Beside him was Nic. They just finished visiting a few cells where mercenaries from Ahmir Clives were kept. There were a lot of them that almost fill the rows of torture cells. 

"Wait till Tim gathers up the others," Nic said. It was just yesterday when Timothy managed to lure those mercenaries from Ahmir Clive's plantation to come to him by offering them jobs that would serve as their refuge while the Clives were being investigated. The mercenaries knew that they were in a dire situation. If the Clives were being investigated for a crime that they knew very well that they were guilty of, they were at risk of being imprisoned because they were very much guilty as well.

A refuge is just exactly what they needed.