The Millionaire’s Lies

Ezra walked around the car and opened the trunk of his car then he saw his black suitcase. But before he could pull it out, he felt something sharp prick the side of his neck. His hand automatically flew to his neck and then he turned around to see where that came from. To his surprise, Ezra saw the man from earlier. The man with sunglasses and a mustache standing close to him holding a syringe in his right hand. 

"What the fuck–" He started to walk toward the man but he started to get dizzy. His vision got blurred and then he fell to the ground unconscious.

The man with sunglasses and a mustache pulled Ezra back inside the car. He made him sit in the back seat while he took the car and drove toward Ezra's unfinished mansion where the workers were sent home by their foreman telling them that their work had been held for a few days until further instructions.