Explanation That Is Long Overdue

The following day, Olivia gets ready to go to the hospital just like she used to in the past few days. It has become a routine for her and she was afraid that she would get used to it. Not about going to the hospital but about seeing Matthew every day and taking care of him. 

But Olivia doesn't want to think about the future or the many what-ifs as it will only make her depressed. She wanted to focus on the present. 

Matthew is awake. Belle had called her yesterday and told her that it seems Matthew was doing well. Aside from the fact that Matthew wasn't able to stand because of his broken legs were still currently healing with the help of a cast, everything seems to be fine. His wounds were healing. The swelling in his brain has subsided and upon further examination and tests, he doesn't show any brain damage, at least not yet. So the doctors wanted Matthew to stay in the hospital for a few more days for observation.