Conversation In The Kitchen

Once Olivia had left and they finished their breakfast, Elizabeth gathered their plates and cups and put them on a tray. She stood up and said, "I'll just go and wash this before I open up the shop,"

Alex nodded his head and when he noticed that his wife was starting to stand up, he was instantly behind her and helped her by pulling her chair. 

Alice turned and smiled at her husband appreciatively. She patted Alex's cheeks with her hand and said, "I'll just go upstairs and check if Elizabeth is taking care of my things," Her words were nothing sweet but the way she spoke and looked at her husband, one would think that she was uttering sweet nothings towards him. 

Elizabeth cannot help but smile. She knew her parents were not sweet with their words but their actions speak to how much love and respect they have for each other. Her parents' relationship is something that Elizabeth aspires for herself.