Visiting Timothy Hayes

Matthew felt helpless as he watched Olivia push the door open for him. Normally it was he who always opened the door for him. But since he was currently disabled, he could not do anything but curse himself internally as he watched Olivia do everything for him. 

This is not the way he wanted to make up for her. He promised to make it up to her by doing everything right…not by making her do everything for him. He can't even walk by himself. Though he was using a walker, he still needed someone by his side in case he fell because he could not put all his weight on both his legs which were still in casts. And if he tried to walk without Olivia or his mother beside him, he would receive a good scolding as if he was a naughty kid. 

Fucking alcohol. Stupid, stubborn asshole. Matthew always curses himself every time Olivia and his mother would scold him for doing something he was not allowed to do…or attempting to do reckless things that would hinder his recovery.