At The Palacio

"What is this?" Olivia asked as she examined the boxes of odd-looking makeup kits on the table. Amina was beside her eyeing the bottle of hair dye. "Did you buy this?" Olivia looked at Megan with amusement. She could not imagine her friend buying makeup kits because she knew that Megan was not someone who was fond of it. 

Megan rolled her eyes. "I had someone buy it," She stepped closer to the table and said, "And you are going to do it. It was going to be a masquerade ball but it wouldn't hurt to be safe,"

Olivia's eyes widened with excitement. "Really? I've never done this before," Then she turned to Amina and asked, "Have you?" Amina and Olivia have met a few times before in Timothy's place and they easily get along well even though they haven't really spent time getting to know each other as they were both busy and preoccupied.