The Truth About His Friend

Amina leaned closer to Daxon's ears and whispered, "What did you two talk about?" She has been worried ever since Daxon and Andre were gone behind her brother's office door. On their way to her brother's place, Amina tried to hide her anxiety from Daxon but she knew that he could feel it because he was always squeezing her hand or her shoulder more often now than before. Fortunately, he didn't say anything. 

The moment that her brother and boyfriend were gone to talk, that's when her anxiousness really showed. She almost dropped a plate on the sink as she was washing them. Though at the mansion she was not allowed to do something in the kitchen that resembled a house chore, she learned a lot by being Daxon's maid. 

Megan seemed to have noticed her anxiety and kept her company. Megan kept her busy by making conversations. They talked about their friends, Amina's music, Daxon's family, and Megan's job.