Alex Bateman

Alex's eyes went wide. "You and Tim?! Oh my God!" Then she laughed. "Who would've thought?! I mean, you hate each other right?"

Now that the attention is on Megan, she looks annoyed and glaring at Olivia. 

"Well, there's always a thin line between love and hate. They are living proof of that," Olivia said and then she reached for one of the bottles of juice and opened it. 

Alex turned to Olivia and like a child, she excitedly said, "Tell me about it! How did it happen?" Her eyes were shining in excitement as she waited for Olivia to tell the story of how Megan and Timothy ended up with each other. 

Olivia proceeded to talk about the story of Timothy and Megan. She and Alex chatted happily like two long-lost friends who hadn't seen each other for years, which they had, while Megan just sat there with an annoyed look on her face.