Alex and Maze in the Bazaar

"So, how's your Mom?" Alex asked as they sat on the table of what Mason said was the restaurant that serves the best noodle soup. When Mason asked what she wanted to eat, Alex contemplated between pasta and pizza until she finally decided that she wanted some noodle soup and steamed buns. She said that in the country where she came from, she rarely gets to eat noodle soup and steamed buns because it is not common there. So, she kind of missed it. 

"She's fine. She was quite busy teaching the children in the orchard after she retired from teaching at the state university and I am glad for that since I and my brother were always in the city and my Dad had to leave once in a while because of his job," Mason said and then a waitress came to them to pass them the menu which he took and gave one to Alex. 

"Do you want some tea to be served first?" The waitress asked, eyeing Mason even though the latter was ignoring her.