Everyone In Alex Ogden's Frontyard


"Stop it!" Alice stomped her feet in frustration and anxiety. She looked up at her husband and pleaded, "I know that you are protecting me from getting hurt from the truth but you are hurting me more by not telling me what is going on. Please..."

Alex looked up and closed his eyes. He had forgotten the presence of his men and Nic Parker as his sole attention and focus was on his wife. He cannot bear to hurt her with the truth but he cannot bear it even more when she sees her like this. It was killing him. When he opened his eyes, he looked down at his wife, cupping her face with both his hands hoping that his comfort would lessen her pain and anger. 

"Elizabeth...she killed Linus Teagan and now she is out there somewhere..." Alex said in pain. He was in pain because he didn't do anything to stop his daughter. He was in pain because of the look on his wife's face.