Something They Do Not Know

"I want to know that as well," A voice suddenly came from inside the house and when they turned their heads, they found Nic walking towards them. 

Megan snapped her head in her husband's direction and glared at him. "You called him here," She said with accusation in the tone of her voice. 

"Save your anger, Meg. He didn't call me here. I knew he was coming and I told Tim that I was coming as well," Nic said and then his eyes landed on Oliver Bennet who looked surprised seeing Nic but only for just a brief moment. 

"Nic Parker," Oliver greeted the newcomer. He was not even bothered that Nic Parker, one of the most powerful men in the country, was here. Nic Parker doesn't seem to care or mind that among his friends is a man who was supposed to be dead a few years ago.

"Oliver Bennet," Nic greeted back and then he sat on the single chair opposite Oliver.