A Mother's Unconditional Love

Elizabeth took a deep breath before she exhaled all the air in her lungs. She raised her hand and then knocked on the door. She listened for a few seconds for any response but she got nothing. But she didn't give up. She knocked again but after a few seconds, she got no response again. 

Elizabeth looked down on her feet. She was hesitating if she should just enter or wait until her mother was ready to talk to her. But it has been three weeks. A couple of nights ago, she was talking on the phone with Nic. He told her that maybe, her mother was just waiting for her to make the first move. 

What if Nic was right?

What if her mother was just waiting for her?

Elizabeth looked up again and raised her hand but this time, she did not knock on the door. She reached for the doorknob and turned it. She pushed the door slowly and cautiously as if there was a bomb that was going to explode if she pushed the door quickly.