Dinner With The Future In-Laws

As Nic drove his car to Elizabeth's town, he could practically feel Elizabeth's anxiety beside him. He glanced at her and saw that she was staring outside the window though there really was nothing to see. They were already passing through a cornfield and since it was dark outside, she wouldn't be able to see anything except for the occasional lights coming from households in the distance beyond the cornfields. There was not even light on the streets and the only light that served as their guide was the headlights of his car and the car that was following them. 

Nic did not question or was not bothered by the car that followed them ever since they left the cafe because he knew that they were Elizabeth's security details that Alex Ogden put on her to ensure her safety even though Elizabeth thought that it was unnecessary. When it comes to Elizabeth's safety, Nic would be always on Alex Ogden's side.