The Musicians Watching The Sunset

"Thank you. I look forward to working with you," A man with a head full of white hair and white facial hair stood up from the table and reached out his hand. The lines on his face crinkled as he smiled gleefully. 

His wife, who mirrored the smile on his face and standing beside him rolled her eyes. "He is actually excited working with you. The first time he heard your recordings that Daxon sent, he listened to them over and over again. The whole house was actually filled with your music the whole day. Then he won't stop talking about it. In the past few weeks, he has had a huge mental tension. He cannot work. He kept complaining that he didn't have enough inspiration to go on with this play. But when heard your pieces, he was suddenly filled with inspiration and wanted to do this as soon as possible," She said. Now it was her husband's turn to roll his eyes.