Guests In Elizabeth's Apartment

Nic raised a brow and tilted his head to the side. "But why am I hearing a 'but' at the end of your sentence?"

Elizabeth sighed. She pulls one of her hands from Nic's grasp. She wiped it on her apron before she put her hand to cup Nic's face. She softly said, "Shouldn't we let our family settle into the idea of us being together first before we surprise them with the news that they will become family?"

Nic smiled as if Elizabeth's worry was unfounded. "I don't think that's necessary. Our mothers were already settled into the idea if they were already talking about leaving for a vacation together away from their husbands," He let go of her other hand so that he could place both his hands on the side of her waist. He pulled her closer and said, "I wouldn't be surprised if they were already talking about the future,"

Elizabeth frowned and hit Nic's shoulder with one of her hands, "Mom is not like that," she said before both her hands settled on his shoulder.