Fear Of Losing Someone Again

"Is she going to be alright?" Elizabeth asked Nora Parker while she watched them push the stretcher that carried Alex's unconscious body away from them. Nora met them at the emergency room and she was certain that Nic called her. Just seeing Nora waiting for them made her feel a little better knowing that Alex would be well taken care of by someone who cared for her. 

Nora is a surgeon and when Nic called and told her that an ambulance was on its way bringing Alex with them, she immediately left her station in the surgical department to wait for the ambulance at the emergency room. 

"I hope she will. But I need to know what happened. Nic didn't tell me much," Nora said. Her face is filled with worry as she watches them take Alex away as if she cannot take her eyes off Alex's body. Then she turned to Elizabeth waiting for her answer.