Breakfast with the Parkers

Elizabeth found herself seated between Nic and his mother. In front of her were Nora and her husband and then, Nic's younger brother, Elijah with his fiance, Sadie beside him. At the head of the table was Nic's father, Jacob Parker. 

At first, Elizabeth thought that she would feel awkward during the breakfast but the Parkers proved her wrong. It helped that Nic never left her side, Jenny Parker was very attentive to her and also had known Nora and Sadie before. Elijah Parker's lively presence also contributed to making Elizabeth at home in the Parker's presence.

The breakfast was lively. It was filled with casual chatting, occasional bickering from Sadie and Elijah, and laughter from Elijah's joke. Elizabeth realized that Elijah was the joker and prankster in the family. Nora was the sweet daughter while Nic was the serious one among the siblings.