Epilogue - A New Day

2 Years Later

"Goddamnit!" Daxon cursed then he threw his phone on the ground. His black mood was evident on his face but he was not the only one as he also shared the mood with his friends. 

"Pissed off," Mason grumbled as he lounged on the reclining chair. His arm was on his eyes as he tried to sleep off his dark mood.

Not too far from them, Nic was on the phone walking back and forth with worry lines on his forehead. 

Matthew was sitting across from Mason with his 7-month-old daughter asleep on his lap. He was glaring daggers at Daxon and Mason for being too noisy that could wake up his daughter who was taking her afternoon nap.

Timothy was also sitting on a chair. Though he looked as if his sole focus was on his 2-year-old son that was playing with his toys on the ground, they all knew that he was also worried and pissed.