Chapter 2

Mrs. Nadine’s POV (Cruz’s mum)

“Gosh!! Where are these kids now?” I spat pacing around the sitting room.

“You should have known them long ago; they don’t stay one place,” Ashley mum said coldly.

I heaved a deep sigh.

“I’m fed up with their walking around already, who knows where they are now?” I said really upset

She smiled.

“There is nothing you can do, you can’t stop them from jumping around the street, even if you tie them down, they will lose and go on with their lives,” Mrs. Lustra (Ashley’s mum) said still focusing on what she is reading.

I smiled.

“So funny,” I said with a smile.

“But that’s really true, they are so fond of each other, they play around the whole street and they are used to it,” She said firmly

“Well, that’s true, but don’t you notice their wrist?” I said calling her attention back to me.

“Their wrist, what’s in there?” She questioned.

“A bracelet with their names inscribed on it, I noticed it this afternoon,” I said sitting down.

“Oh! Really? But I didn’t,” She said

“They are funny children, you know,” I said and chuckled

“Oh! It’s late, I should be going now before Ashley dad comes back from work,” She said standing up from the couch.

“What about Ashley??” I asked and she stopped

“Gosh!! This children, where are they now??” She said running her hands across her hair.

“Let’s go and look for them,” I suggested

“That’s true,” She said and we both walked out of the house.

We walked out of the compound and started searching for them.

“Ashley!! Cruz!!!” We yelled out their names.

“Could they be there?” I asked pointing at some set of children playing and jumping around.

“Let’s go and check,” She said and we both walked towards them.

“Ashley, Cruz, Are you there?” We chorused but no one responded.

“Hello children,” Ashley mum called calmly and the children turned their direction towards us.

“Good afternoon ma,” They chorused

“Afternoon dearies, do you by any means see two children come here?” She asked them

“Two children? Could it be Ashley and Cruz??” a little boy asked

“Yeah! Did you see them?” I asked

“Yeah, they came to play with us but they have gone long ago,” a girl said

“Gosh! Where have they gone??” I spat

“They might be home now,” one of them said.

“That’s true,” another person said and I nodded

“Let’s go and check if they have gotten home,” I said to Mrs. Lustra and she nodded

“Thanks children,” Mrs. Lustra said to the children and we turned to go.

We walked towards the direction of my house as we keep praying in our minds.

After some minutes, we got home and walked into the compound.

“Ashley, Cruz!! Come out now!” I yelled from outside but there was no responses.

“Let’s go in first,” Ashley mum said and I nodded

I pushed open the door of the house and it seems empty

If they are inside, I’m sure they would be in the sitting room playing but where are they?

“I don’t think they are in,” Ashley mum said

“Gosh! I’m tired!!” I spat angrily.

Ashley POV

“What??” We chorused

“Yeah, are you both lovers?” one of them asked

“No, we are just friends,” I said

“It’s a lie, you are lovers,” Betty said teasingly and everyone burst into laughter.

“Gosh, naughty!” I murmured

I stared at his direction and he chuckled.

“Let’s go home, mum must be worried about us,” I said to him and he nodded.

“Ohh! That’s true,” Cruz said standing up.

“Bye friends,” We chorused and stood to go.

“Bye, have a nice day lovers,” a boy said and we all laughed.

Cruz held my hand as we both turned to go.

“See them they are holding hands again,” the little girl said pointing at our hands.

Everyone roared into laughter.

“Best of luck lovers!!” Betty yelled laughing really hard.

I was forced to laugh with them.

“Gosh! These children are so funny,” I murmured as we both walk away.

We hopped towards the direction of Cruz’s house.

Suddenly, we got to a very beautiful and attractive garden which made me stop.

“What’s wrong?” He questioned staring at me.

“Wait, look at this beautiful garden over there,” I said pointing at the direction of the garden.

He moved his gaze towards it and exclaimed.

“Wow!! So beautiful,” He said exclaiming.

“Let’s take a look at it,” I said running towards the garden

“But it’s late already, maybe tomorrow,” He said with a little frown.

“Gosh! we won’t take long looking around,” I said with a puppy eyes which I know he can’t resist.

“Alright, just few minutes and we will leave,” He said

“Yeah,” I noddedwith a smile.

“Fine, let’s go,” He said

“Wow!! Thanks so much,” I said and ran to hug him.

He chuckled.

“Oops, sorry,” I said unlocking from the hug.

He smiled and held my hands.

We then walked into the garden happily.

“Wow! This garden is really beautiful,” I said staring around.

“It saint nice too,” He said still holding my hand.

“Yeah,” I murmured

We stopped when we got a big beautiful cherry tree filled with beautiful flowers.

“Wow!!” Cruz murmured

“This looks so beautiful,” I said exclaiming.

“I will plant this in my house when I grow up and marry you,” He said and my eyes widened.

“When you marry me??” I asked surprisingly

“Yeah, or don’t you like it?” He asked teasingly pointing at the tree.

I laughed

“You sound so funny,” I said smiling

He also laughed.

“Or won’t you marry me?” He asked facing me.

“Sure, I will,” I said with a smile and he chuckled.

“Let’s view more things,” He said holding my hands as we hopped forward.

We got to another place which looks like a playground.

“Let’s have some fun here first,” I said to him

“Alright,” He said smiling and we both ran towards the playground.

Suddenly, I felt my legs pushed deeper into a tiny hole and I found myself into a large and deep pit.

I stared at my left and saw Cruz groaning in pain as he held his ankle.

“Oh My Gosh!”

“We fell into the pit!!”

“How come?”

“How are we gonna come out of here??”

