CHAPTER SIX:The dinner (1)


After so many years of not checking up on her,to know how she's fairing.She's now ordering her and not pleading with her to have dinner with the family.

She didn't even want to talk about her father either,He was the least of people who she thought won't treat her just the way her mother did.

Can her day not get any worst?

Right now with all the troubles and everything she has gone through today, she deserves some rest, but no one cared.

Avianna walked out from the hallway straight to the parking lot and entered her car, while waiting for Stacy who was taking the whole life time to come out.

she decided to go through her phone's social media account to check out what was happening online. Most especially, what her anti-fans were saying about the incident that happened at the airport.

Not like it brothed her anyways, she was just trying to kill some time while waiting for Stacy, starring at her phone. Going through her phone and seeing the hurtful harsh words and bad comments people commented about her just made her day more worse. Though she's used to it already.

But it seems like her anti fans has increased more than they were since that incident that happened at the airport about people cursing and calling her a murderer, Avianna let out a hiss and threw her phone beside the car's next seat.

She's a celebrity and this is the price that comes with having huge fame.

"They got to upgrade". She said out loud but to nobody in particular, which made her driver look at her through the front mirror.

She was already getting tired by waiting for Stacy. But finally caught sight of stacy when she turned to the window side only to see Stacy who was half running to catch up.

Stacy walked to the car, straight to the front seat because Avianna doesn't like to share the back space with anyone not even with manager Gu, she knew better not to bang the car door hard as Avianna wasn't in her best mood.

"To the Queen's house"Avianna said, staring at her driver who got what she said and nodded his head affirmatively, reviving the car back to life and sped off.

While leaving the parking lot, Avianna observed it was raining heavily. she was staring outside the window and had this mixed emotion that the dinner wasn't going to end well and seriously didn't want to go.

But she had to, her parents were controlling freaks and if she doesn't attend to the family dinner. Then they are going to be really mad at her, and her mom will definitely cause a scene.

She could still remember how sweet and caring her mom used to be towards her until she had the dreams of being a model, which her mother totally stood against because she needs her to run the company.

This is her dream, modeling is her life and she couldn't sacrifice it for anybody or anything.

Parents are supposed to be supportive of their children's career, help them pursue their dreams but that wasn't the case of her parents. They wanted their dreams to be hers.


The Queens apartment:

Avianna got down from the car and stopped in front of the large magnificent mansion, she used to see as her home before she ran away from it back in those last days. she suddenly had this urge to walk away from it since her driver is still around. But, she guessed it was was too late to do that now.

Nanny Jane was standing right at the front door with other two unfamiliar maids beside her to welcome Avianna. They climbed down the dews steps one would have to climb in order to get into the building.

Stacy who stood beside Avianna held the umbrella properly and tightly to prevent the wind that was suddenly roaming from around everywhere from breaking the umbrella down and letting rain to fall on them, while waiting for nanny jade to welcome them in.

Avianna tried so hard not to get emotional, when nanny Jane engulfed her in a tight hug that she felt her ribs were going to crack open. she had no idea how much she had missed nanny jane until now.

Nanny Jane has always been there for her since kindergarten, she cared for her more than the way her own mom even does. she was her number one fan and has always supported her in everything she had ever wished to do, unlike her own mom who kicked against everything she wanted to do.

"Oh, look how big my sweet little girl had grown up to be"nanny Jane said with an emotional voice that was at the edge of breaking down with tears while patting Avianna's back softly.

Avianna broke the embrace after some minutes with a smile tagged on her lips, she doesn't need to get emotional so as to not ruin her makeup.

She still needs to meet her parents with that pretty heavy makeup on her beautiful face to show them that she is really doing well for herself, even without any of their support.

"Come on, let's go in"Nanny Jane ushered Avianna into the house while Stacy went back into the car to wait for her boss.


"Dinner will be served in five minutes and they are waiting for you at the dining table" Nanny Jane made known to Avianna while she patting her back one last time before going back to the kitchen.

The house hasn't changed a lot since Avianna was gone, so she was able to find her way over to the dinette."Hi mom, Dad" Avianna greeted, the very moment she set her eyes on her mom and dad sitting on the dinning chairs and waiting for nanny Jane to serve the food.

"Oh, hi there, princess" Stephen accepted his daughter's outstretched hand and embraced her tightly. Giving her a peck on the cheek right after breaking the embrace. Avianna tried doing the same to her mom, but the woman wasn't too welcoming as her husband, which Avinna already expected.

Pulling a chair out from the table, Avianna fixed her ass on it and kept her handbag on the other chair beside her. It was as if nanny Jane knew this moment was about to get awkward with the sudden dead silence reiging in the dinette, she then appeared with the food.

She arranged them on the dining table and left right after serving Avianna her own and gave her a soft pat at the back and Avianna muttered 'thank you' to her while she was departing for the Queens family to have their evening meal.

Opening her food, Avianna's nose almost exploded breathing in the sweet saucy aroma of the food right in front of her. Oh!, Nanny jade's food is literally the best.

Grabbing a spoon beside the plate and getting ready to dig into her food. Avianna got interrupted as her mom suddenly out of the blue, after keeping quiet for a while.

"So, when do you plan on quitting your modeling job and get ready to take over the company?".

Avianna sighed, knowing this family dinner is definitely going to end up badly. She hasn't even ate one spoonful of her food when her mom asked that question.

That woman is really a troublemaker and a mood spoiler.