"Go ahead," Avianna said, giving Stacy a faint smile.

"So the shoot yesterday is now the talk of the country and people are really anticipating on seeing how this relationship with Jason goes"

"There would never be a relationship so they should anticipate all they want".

"Avianna please don't say that because Jason is your only situation out of this, I did not believe Tiffany at first when she said that Mr Edward was trying to get rid of you, now I see why"

"Stacy you don't get it, in as much as I love my job I can't stay in the same space with Jason, he destroyed me once so what makes you think he won't do it again"

"I totally understand what you are saying but you are not actually doing this for him, this is for yourself and besides who says that there must be a serious relationship with Jason. Anna common you are doing it for the fame and money you need to do whatever you can to keep your position as the nation's beauty you know better how this works"