"Reporter Kim about what I asked you to do the last time we met, it is no longer valid so you are only allowed to follow only the orders given by Mr Lorenzo Cauley, do I make myself clear" Cain demanded.

"And next time try to keep your work professional and ask only necessary Questions because I don't think you would want to know something that would possibly get you killed"

"So I suggest you get your butt off that chair and go to hell" Cain warned as he turned and made his way out of the company.

Reporter Kim sat there watching as Cain left the cafe, he wondered what relationship Cain had with Mr Lorenzo that he was so loyal to him.

And he doesn't understand why Cain always gets this bitter and angry any day they meet. Was it just him or his actual self?.

If he was this harsh then how would Mr Lorenzo Cauley be, he imagined.