Cain woke up as early as he could and left the house to go pick his boss for work leaving Christie to do her thing and also go to M.S.G entertainment to officially start working as instructed.

Cain knew Enzo would be waiting for an explanation on the text message he sent to him the previous night, Cain sincerely hopes that Enzo would understand things the way it should be.

Cain got to Enzo's apartment but had to wait for a few more minutes before Enzo could come down because he came a bit earlier than usual.

He got the car door for his boss as he entered the back seat and they drove off.

Cain noticed the way Enzo was staring at him through the front mirror. Obviously he wanted an explanation but he didn't know how to initiate the conversation he was waiting for his boss to ask.

"What was the meaning of that text you sent to me?" Enzo asked