Avianna woke up and saw that it was morning already and the sun was shining directly in her face. She wondered how long she had been sleeping. She looked around her, there was nobody with her, not even Stacy. She noticed that she was in a different room this time.

"What the fuck is going on" she nummered to herself. Stacy would never leave alone in this situation so what might have happened.

She remembered that her mom visited her and they had an augment, that was the only thing she could remember at the moment.

Does that mean her mother asked Stacy to leave? 

Even if that was the case she knows Stacy and how stubborn she can be so it was very obvious to her that Stacy won't hold to anything her mom says to her.

At a point Avianna was beginning to get worried Stacy was the only person she had by her side right now and she feared that something bad meant to have happened to her.