Avianna was so restless all through the night she was so nervous and could not stop thinking how the next day would turn out, most especially how to tell Sophie what they were about to do.

Avianna had thought very hard about it and not telling Sophie might make things go wrong so she has concluded to talk to her before Gustavo comes.

Avianna managed to take a nap and before she knew it, it was morning already.

It didn't take time before she had her alarm clock ringing so loud which woke her up.

Even though it was still very early she rushed to the bathroom, took her bath and headed to Sophie's room.

Stacy was already outside Sophie's door waiting for Avianna, she wanted to make sure that she was going to talk to Sophie before anything else.

Stacy noticed how tense Avianna was, however all she could do at that moment was to give her a faint smile as a sign of encouragement.