
Another couple of days passed by as Kimi was making trips to Pallet Town with her father.

Route One had become very safe as a result of her frequent visits and the balance between the Ratata and Pidgey population was restored enough to allow trainers to reenter and capture them again.

The problem would begin again if it was not carefully controlled but that was not Kimi's problem since she was no longer receiving payments for the amount of Ratata removed after the task had been taken down.

Father and daughter sat peacefully by the sea as they were surrounded by many Pokémon which were either on land or floating on the top of the water.

When one was hooked, it was pulled up and Kimi allowed a one on one battle for each of her own Pokémon so they could adjust to single battles.

After checking them all into the Pokémon Centre after many battles and training of different kinds, she was able to see their overall growth so she had more confidence in their ability to handle themselves alone.

The only main issue was when they were up against a stronger second power level rank, they did not pose that major of a threat to most of her team but Growlithe was still quite vulnerable.

The result was that she had to work with synchronising herself better with Growlithe with the help of her Aura.

Growlithe had become level 14 and was getting very close to the second power level ranking, while her growth was quick part of it was attributed to her previously being trained and owned by another trainer before she was given up and ended up with Kimi, her growth was a little slower than expected due to her recovering from her past physical and mental trauma,

Eevee had risen to become level 11 and was quickly rising up to stay close to its rival so it showed its efforts and talent.

Poliwag had risen by three levels and it became level 13 after she caught it and trained it.

Horsea had risen by one level and it became level 11 after she caught and trained it.

Shellder had not risen in level as it remained at level 17 from when she caught it.

A Krabby that had been passed onto her father was at level 16 and it had a yellow talent so it was worth raising temporarily by him until she was ready to transfer the others over but he seemed to like it very much due to its toughness.

Five of the more talented Feebas had been brought along to siphon off a little experience from Krabby as her father took turns with Kimi to battle.

It was quite easy to gain experience and grind through the first power level between one and fifteen with enough time or opportunities.

Kimi was able to use her aura to get a better chance of pulling up a Pokémon so a battle was set up for anything between level ten and twenty which was a challenge for her own Pokémon in a one on one battle so the experience gained would be a lot.

The battle with the dark trainer and the task in Route One had played a large part in the much larger growth of Growlithe, Eevee and Poliwag while the others were new additions which were caught at a higher level than what Growlithe and Eevee were when she first obtained them.

Having single battles did help help an individual gain better experience and tap into their potential but it was also wise to have others on standby to assist in a crisis so that medical sprays could be saved and the trips to the Pokémon Centre would be less to reduce additional costs so it could not be avoided that most of the experience was being split between the team.

Even a Feebas using splash to cause a disruption to an ongoing battle would result in the sharing of experience since they played a small role in the battle.

When the experience was split, it was best to be split between a smaller number so the benefits would be greater so once the survival of the each individual went up after each battle, the number of participants against the higher level catches were slowly decreasing.

The biggest issue was Growlithe and her weakness to water types so being hit by the moves during a slight mistake would result in injury or fainting when confronted with higher level water types.

Luckily she had the others to prevent such things from happening so while Growlithe was adapting to the moves and learning in battle and through her mistakes, the others were protecting her from harm and taking a little of that growth or experience in return.

There was still a big difference between sharing experience and an individuals own growth through watching and learning from a battle at the sidelines but it was more of a mental growth than a physical or genetic one until it could be put to use later.

If a Pokémon watched a battle and learned from it then they could use that later in their own battles to help them experience greater growth than before so standing at the sidelines and doing nothing was still beneficial in a way.

It is why sparring and training is important for adjusting to the changes in their body and adapting to different strategies and movements that they had not used before, the more compatible they are the more they would gain in the form of experience or an understanding of their hidden genetics.

During the evening or night when the sun had gone down, Kimi had been making some trips on Route One to check the route for irregularities but she would occasionally let out Grimer to battle.

To add a little insurance to not being spotted and identified, after leaving the city walls she had gotten changed into a black hoody and a white mask then stored it away after finishing her activities.

The poison being as potent as it had become would cause the Pidgey or Ratata to faint and they would need to be treated right away but they were killed and collected for Grimer to eat to increase its talent.

Although Kimi no longer needed to maintain the environment as part of her duties, it was beneficial for her to use the situation to her advantage when there were not any eyes around.

While providing Grimer lessons in martial arts and helping it by sparring with her other Pokémon in private, it was better to let it experience real combat to better help its growth.

With the sludge like body it made an excellent wall and could absorb the impacts of many attacks so Kimi focussed on teaching it martial arts to make up for its lack of speed.

Back at the house, Kimi was standing firmly with her legs bent and parted a little as she threw out a punch. "In martial arts or any type of fighting style, control and balance is a key part of it. There are some types of situations that giving up control and using the environment or situation to turn it into your advantage is also an option but that will not always be the case so it is required to have firm footing when moving or standing in place."

Grimer was following the movements of Kimi as it did a straight punch with each hand then followed up by practicing a circular movement with its hands and arms.

Kimi then repeated the movements but there was a big difference to how she managed her energy and controlled herself. "There will not always be times when you will be on stable ground so it is best to practice in all types of situations. Make use of each of the equipment that is in the area."

Kimi shifted her body weight a little and the round piece of wood changed suddenly as it was floating on top of the water in the pool. "Like this.. one mistake could make you fall in so you need to be able to control yourself but when a mistake or movement that is made that is a disadvantage then you can still catch yourself and regain control."

Her footsteps and balance changed as the round wood had come back from its sunken state on one side and continued to move in different directions as the other edged sunk into the water until it finally became even again. "This is probably too advanced for you all but you can use the other balancing equipment."

Around the area were seesaws, thicker and thinner pieces of wood which were elevated off the ground between two other pieces of wood while there were also metal bars and other things which Eevee and Growlithe often used.

Poliwag was sat on a standing upward log as it balanced on one foot and switched occasionally while her other Pokémon occasionally participated by disrupting the concentration of those on the training area.

Kimi saw the Krabby nearby that looked interested in what she was doing so she jumped off and then carried the Krabby to place it in the middle before jumping off again.

Shellder, Horsea and the many Feebas that could be let out to fit in the pond occasionally came to the water surface or nudged the circular piece of wood from underneath so they had a lot to do but it also provided a higher level of difficulty which Kimi had easily dealt with before.

Unfortunately Krabby was knocked off with ease after a couple of seconds of trying to stand on it stably. 'While it is fun to train again… I kind of miss training and sparring with my fighting types. I am still lacking one that will better sync with my aura and allow me to progress better with my own training.'

While training aura could be done alone, it was always helpful to practice with a partner to gain mastery over fighting techniques and uses of aura in offensive and defensive ways, without a partner to help her push herself further, Kimi would find herself at a wall where she could only progress a little past her previous life's achievements.

The days had passed by quickly as they trained together and another night was coming which allowed Kimi to head out towards her next destination.

In the meantime, she had made enough money for herself after she had sold a couple of the pets at a high price compared to what she would gain for a Ratata so her profits were not low.