As she closed her eyes in an attempt to feel the magic around her— she first controlled the darkness that stemmed from within her to expand outward.
This covered the entire room in a corporal blanket of darkness that would make it easier for her to feel the things around her.
This was easy since the darkness had no solid form or shape— it was just a coating over the existing area which made it so it drained a lot less energy.
Pretty much none at all.
With the energy drain being neglectable, it gave her the chance to focus on the feeling itself she was looking for.
The magic that inhabited the area around her— the magic that was everywhere in this world but unseen.
Hours passed like this, her eyes closed with her trying to feel anything through the darkness, anything at all.
It was easy at first to feel the solid objects in the room— the bed, the tables, and so on. She could tell their shape and location with the use of the darkness and eventually, she was even able to tell what small objects were on them.
But the non-solid things were harder. Much harder.
Air, moister, and so on— not even mentioning magic yet, since that existed in another form apparently.
It took her hours just to be able to feel the air around her— and all she could feel was the movement of the air as it shifted with each breath she took or each soft gust that was created by the movement of something.
While useful, it wasn't what she was looking for right now— she was looking for magic.
So she went deeper— much deeper.
She tried to thicken the blanket of darkness that covered the area, which in turn made the energy drain higher, but she was still able to focus on the meditation.
Hours passed again— easily over ten hours had passed with her in this position, and she couldn't feel anything.
If it wasn't for the fact that she was alone most of the time in the room, she was sure she would've been distracted by now.
But no distraction came, giving her the chance to carry on.
Another hour passed as her mind sunk deeper into the meditative state she had entered, so deep, in fact, she didn't even realize that parts of her body were starting to turn into darkness and mix with the darkness around her.
Her consciousness became one with the darkness around her in such a way that it was her and she was it.
She could feel all it felt like it was touching her very body— it was an odd feeling she didn't even realize because she fell so deep into meditation.
And then she felt it.
It was warm, contrary to the emptiness she felt from her darkness— it felt like something. Like something she knew, but she couldn't quite put her finger on what.
A small feeling of warmth just barely touched the darkness all around her, like an ever-present feeling that couldn't be shrugged off.
She instantly knew what it was.
Ambient magic to be more exact— the type that existed in the world at all times and is what wizards interacted with to do their stuff.
Finally, she knew how it felt— she knew what to look for now. This would make it much easier for her to find it the next time she was looking for it in meditation.
But she had no intention of wasting this find right now.
So she clung to that feeling and looked deeper— both within herself and around her.
It was easier this time around since she had it within her grasp. So easy in fact that she could instantly feel it when she went searching for it again.
It came to her like second nature, like an extra limb that she knew how to locate.
She just didn't know how to control it. Not yet at least.
But she had plans to change that rather soon— plans to use magic to do whatever she wanted.
And it all started here.
'Finally, now I just need to find a way to control it.'
Her thoughts were simple— now that she could feel it— why doesn't she try to control it.
Unfortunately for her, the magic didn't think it was as simple as she did. Causing all her attempts to interact with the magic— even attempts she made with her darkness as the cover— to fail the second it started.
She didn't know why it failed. It just felt like she couldn't make it do what she wanted, unlike her darkness which came like second nature to her.
It felt like she was in a deep ocean, a warm all-encompassing ocean that she was drowning in. And no matter how badly she tried to swim in it she couldn't get out.
That's when another idea came to her mind.
'If I can't make it do what I want, why don't I try and let it do with me what it wants.'
While that may sound complicated to some, it wasn't.
Basically, she was trying to use her own force to control the magic and get it to bend to her will, which was failing.
So she came up with the idea that instead of forcing the magic to do what she wanted, she would allow the magic to do what it wanted but through her.
Going back to the metaphor about drowning in the ocean, she was basically going to attempt to stop swimming and instead allow herself to float.
It was absolutely dangerous because she could very well drown— or something may happen to her that she wouldn't be prepared for.
But that was better than failure— to her at least.
So she gave the idea an attempt.
Letting her body relax and become one with the magic. She could feel her body going limp as she did, all the muscles relaxing as she did so.
She could feel the magic flowing within her body— she could feel the magic changing her body in minor ways.
It was so minute yet she could feel it thanks to how peculiar her body was.
Her body was after all one with the darkness, perfectly chiseled by it to perfectly suit her. She knew every part of it like she would knew the darkness.
It was thanks to this knowledge that she could feel the magic changing her body, cleaning it. But not just cleaning it, it also soaked into her organs, her flesh, bones, everything, and made it more susceptible to the magic.
She could feel her connection to the magic growing— albeit in a very minor way.
She was sure that if she allowed this to happen a few more times then she would be able to do magic as they did in the movies.
She even thought of ways to aid it in soaking with the body, speeding up the process, and otherwise allowing her to constantly grow her magic in a less passive approach.
If she could do that, then by the time she attended Hogwarts, if she did at all, she would be ahead of her peers her own age. And by the time the real shit show started, she would be ready for it and then some.
'Great, now I have a way. Let's focus on that.'
She thought to herself— as she tried to find ways to help the magic soak into her.