Chapter 20 - Finally Moving Out

'Not bad.'

The girl thought to herself as she looked over the information panel. She expected no less after all the hard work she had put into training over her little training arc, and it was quite satisfactory to see.

And while she nowhere near the level of Voldemort or Albus— hell she wasnt even on par with the teachers at Hogwarts yet— she was sure she could hold her own against a first-year student and most normal human adults.

Based purely on her physical stats— which she had figured out the ranking system of.

She figured this out thanks to how her body felt proportional to the growth she had and the number it showed.

For example, before she started training— when she had now woken up— most of her stats were below 5, in which state she was weaker than a child her age.

But now she was stronger than the average human adult, with her state being well in the double digits.

Leading her to believe that 5 in the physical stats was the base for a child her age, while 10 in them was the stats for the average human adult.

Of course, this probably varied depending on the person, but it was the best guess she had with the information she had gathered.

This meant she was physically stronger than most of the normal humans in this world.

As for wizards though? She wasn't sure yet since she was certain they varied greatly depending on their magic.

Let alone monsters that especially had unique bodies.

But all that was besides the fact— she was quite happy with her growth— and she couldn't wait to put it to the test.

Obviously she had no intention of going out and starting a fight— that would just be foolish— but she did have intentions of using her abilities to benefit her to the fullest before Hogwarts began.

The year was currently 1990, and the 90s were known as the Good Era as far as she knew because of how peaceful it was for most humans.

Excluding the wizards that was.

She wasn't sure if this would stay true for this world, but she was sure that nothing major would change unless influenced by the wizarding world— which isn't set to happen until a few years.

Meaning she had at least two years to do whatever she wanted in a relatively peaceful era.

What did she plan to do you may ask?

Well, start an organization obviously.

To be more exact, she planned to start a muggle-based criminal organization.

And by criminal, she just meant secret and not restricted by the conventional laws— she had no intention of making some group that would commit murders, deal drugs, or worse.

Why she planned to do this was simple, anyone in her position would understand.

She needed power, and power doesn't just come from personal strength but from a multitude of things.

Power can come in many forms, be it knowledge, wealth, or even people.

And she planned to deal with two of those things by creating this organization.

People, and wealth.

While it would be better to have wizards under her— in terms of capabilities that is— the only issue with that was the fact that she was still young.

She had limited power, and while it was overpowering for a normal muggle adult, to a wizard adult it would be nothing.

Wizards also had power that could come in troublesome and were limited in the muggle world for what she needed.

So she couldn't quite rely on wizards, or start with them. That's not to say she didn't have any intentions of roping them in later on.

Muggles were generally easier to control.

They had no magic and could easily be fooled by it. If it even gets to the point where they become a threat to her, she could also deal with them much easier.

All in all, muggles were the perfect pawns. So she decided to start with them.

Her plan was simple, use the freedom moving out of here would grant her to occasionally sneak out into the muggle world and set up her groundwork.

The easiest way to do this was to take over a low-level street gang, then use them to expand.

Now the question of how to gain money with them did cross her mind— but just as fast as it did— it was answered.


The year was currently 1990, and the things that were invented in this year were quite revolutionary for the future. With the people that invested in it turning into millionaires.

She could use the criminals to form shell companies that would all invest and shovel money into each other so that they could constantly gain while losing less.

Was this illegal? Probably. Did she care? Not at all.

She also intends to use them for information gathering.

No one tends to pay attention to the lowlives that live on the street, making them perfect for gathering information about anything and everything important.

She also had other illegal means of gaining money— ones that weren't as morally right to most people.

Such as blackmail and threats.

She wasnt sure if she wanted to do those though since if she did, it would automatically put her down a dangerous path.

But they were the best ways to earn fast— and she was quite tempted.

Did that make her a bad person?

Sighing to herself at the thought she decided to leave that question till the future— where her actions could dictate it for her.

For now, she decided it was time to get some rest since she would be moving tomorrow.

Which she did, falling asleep rather quickly.

But she didn't stay asleep for long as she woke up the following day rather early.

Maybe it was due to her excitement for finally leaving this prison they called a room— or maybe it was because it was her tenth birthday.

Either way, she got up feeling rather refreshed and rested after her short sleep.

'I wonder when he will come— he never really said what time he would be coming. Ugh, this wait is definitely going to get to me.'

She grumbled to herself in her mind, but it seems like her worries were unfounded because less than an hour later a knock came on her door.

"May I come in?"

The all-so-familiar voice of Albus came from the other side of the door, causing the girl to smile.

'It seems he was waiting for me to wake up, isn't that something.'

She thought to herself as she spoke aloud and allowed him to enter.

"Yes, come in."