Chapter 22 - Exploring A New Home (1)

The girl hesitated only for a second because something about a weird old man telling her to follow him into a house in the middle of nowhere was quite odd.

But she didn't overthink it and just followed behind him.

Walking through the doorway of the house, she was instantly surprised by how much bigger the house was on the inside compared to how it was on the outside.

Just the area she walked into was much larger than she would've expected it to be, and it was just the entrance of the place.

This caused her to remember the scene from the movies where they used charms to make a place that would normally be small much bigger inside.

Extension charms— they were called from what she could remember.

Something she would definitely have to look into since this was borderline space manipulation, and yet they used it for something so minuscule compared to its true untapped intention.

But she pushed the thought to the back of her mind for now— since she had no way of doing that just yet— and instead focused on the matter at hand.

This amazing place.

She really wanted to explore it— and it must have been apparent from the look on her face because Albus soon spoke out with a chuckle.

"Well go on— you'll be living here from now on so why don't you go and explore the place— tell me what you think about it."

Said Albus as if he had read her mind, causing the girl to stiffen at the thought of the possibility that he may have actually read her mind.

But the likelihood of that was low, she would have felt him entering her mind if he did, thanks to how high her senses were due to her training and willpower.

So it was probably just a case of a good guess.

She wasn't one to turn down something she actually wanted to do, so she nodded her head and walked ahead of the man in order to explore the place— leaving him to do whatever he was planning to do.

Starting from the entrance soon after you enter the door, there was a room that was basically just for entering and leaving the house.

It had nothing but a stand for keys, and other such misc objects— along with a coatstand for coats and hats, like you would expect from a normal house.

Connected to this room was a long hallway that seemed to connect to multiple different rooms, with three doors on the right, two on the left, and a stairway going up at the end.

Yes— a stairway going up to a second floor in a flat house.

That's how massive the extension charm used on the house was. It was truly impressive.

She didn't know where to start so she decided to just explore the place in order— starting with the first door on the right-hand side of the hallway.

A hallway that she forgot to mention was made completely of a slick hardwood that had a mixing color of dark orange and brown, giving a soft warm feeling to the place.

She didn't bother knocking on the door since it was her house now, and he would stop her if she didn't suppose to go in a room, and instead just walked on in.

The first room she walked into seemed to be some sort of living room, or resting room as some would call it. It had an amazing stone fireplace that was made into the side of the lodging, with a constantly burning flame.

Yet it gave off no smoke, keeping the room fresh.

She could only attribute this to some form of magic, but she had no clue what magic it was. However, she expected no less from a wizard's house.

The rest of the room was surprisingly normal compared to what she was expecting— with a long couch stretched across one side of the room, a single-person couch on the other, and a coffee table in the middle of both.

If there was one thing that made the room more special than a normal person's room, it was the designs it had.

With a more, old and cottage vibe to it that suited the old man that was Albus.

Even the Chandler and small bookshelf at the corner of the room gave off the feeling of being old and antique.

But she couldn't say she disliked it, in fact, she quite liked the homey feeling it gave off.

And yes, she did realize there was a bookshelf in the corner of the room, however, she also was certain that it had nothing of use on it.

No one would put actually important books on a shelf where guests would be able to enter.

At most the bookshelf only had books that were to pass time, history stuff, maybe some theories, and other misc information.

Nothing of value that she needed right now.

That's not to say she had no intentions of reading the books on the bookshelf whenever she had time— her goal was to collect as much information as she could so that she could make her own spells and such.

And reading a ton of books about theories and even history could help with that.

Just not now.

She was currently exploring and she didn't want to stop that to go through the bookshelf— and she didn't want to seem desperate, so she decided to leave it for later and focus on the exploration.

And while the living room was quite cozy in its own right, she quickly got tired of it since it didn't have much to explore.

So she left the room and decided to check out the room right next to it— the second door on the right-hand side.

Opening the door she stepped inside, only to be greeted with what looked like a massive library.

This room alone must have another extension charm on it with how big it was, easily twice the size of the living room, with two floors of books.


Was all she could think to herself as she stepped in to explore.