Chapter 25 - First Time

A week have passed since she had moved out from her prison and started to live in her new home with Albus— and so far nothing of note had really happened.

Well, nothing of note to her, that is.

Albus had been throwing around questions here and there whenever he had the chance— most likely trying to gauge her in some way to see how she would grow up.

Nothing outright odd, but stuff she knew something was up due to the information about him from her past life.

Stuff like what she wanted to do when she grew up— if she wanted to find her parents— if she missed her parents— what she thinks about magic— what she thinks about muggles— and so on.

Some were less weird than others, but overall they were all targeted questions.

But stuff like that was minor, and overall she enjoyed life more than she did before, with the freedom to do what she wanted.

To an extent.

She still wasn't able to leave the house because Albus had been home all the time keeping an eye on her, so she was still limited to only exploring the house and the garden around the house.

But that was enough for her for now since she had a lot of books to read.

Speaking of books, she was able to read quite a few interesting ones over the course of the week— no spell books yet since she didn't want to raise suspicion— but some of the theory books she read were very useful.

Thanks to them she was able to find out a nice little piece of information about her abilities— the ability to cancel out magic specifically.

Her body was able to radiate it out of her and into the area around her, which essentially made any magic that was set up around her instantly break.

It was something her body did naturally, that she had no control over or even knew she was doing until now.

She found out that the cause of this radiation was the fact that her entire body was made out of darkness, so whenever her body became one with the darkness around her, subconsciously, it would also take on the properties of her body.

Make it destroy any magic set up around her in the process.

Which would explain why she didn't sense any magic that was meant to track or watch her either in the prison or in the house— they were aware of this fact.

At least to an extent.

How she learned about this ability was surprisingly mundane.

She was messing around with her darkness in the one of the rooms that were empty, the room where the ceiling was made to mimic a sky, and thanks to her body fading into the darkness it started to mess up.

Which got her curious, and after some trial and error she found out that she could roughly control the connection of the effect to her darkness.

But it was still difficult to fully manipulate as a whole.

While she could influence the magic with her darkness consciously— making it weaker or even slightly distorted— she couldn't quite outright disable it like her body did on its own.

It was differently an issue with control though— and not capabilities, since the darkness has shown to do it subconsciously at random times, so she was going to practice it more.

But she decided to put that practice aside for right now because for the first time, in forever, Albus had offered to bring her out of the house and visit Diagon Alley.

Saying she was excited would be an understatement— she was outright euphoric with the idea of finally being able to explore the magical world.

She was so glad Albus was allowing her to go out, even willing to take her himself. All with the single catching being they had to go undercover.

Disguised, so to speak, so as to not draw any attention to themselves.

If they didn't go disguised then the attention they would draw as the Daughter of the Dark Lord and the Greatest Light Wizard to currently live would be bothersome.

But that was a small price to pay for exploration.

So she was heading to her room to get ready after getting the news, deciding to take a shower and get dressed in something she hadn't tried on yet.

After a quick shower, she was now looking through her closet in order to find an outfit, opting to choose one of the black clothing since it would fit the hoodie she had to wear better.

She decided to go for a black dress that looked almost gothic in nature, but instead of being fluffy and big, it was slim and fitted to her tall figure.

It looked perfectly fine to her— so she decided to go with it, finishing up her dressing and heading down.

Once down she heard the voice of Albus from the entrance call out.

"All ready to go?"

He asked, handing her a black cloak that suited her perfectly.

He couldn't use magic to disguise her because her body might mess with it, which he knew because of the research facility.

So instead the hoodie was enchanted with a classic Notice Me Not charm, and even if that failed, it would still cover her body.

He himself would use magic on himself to look slightly different while also doing the charm on himself.

Making them invisible to the wizards at the alley.

Now it was time to head out, which he did, grabbing onto her shoulder once she nodded yes and teleporting them away.