Chapter 7 II Anonymous Message

"Julia can no longer take this punishment. Two days at most, tops, in my opinion. Spending a whole week on it is unnecessary."

Lucas's buddies disapprove of his decision to enslave Julia for a week when they overhear him making it. For Lucas to keep someone in punishment for so long was unthinkable. It was typical of Lucas to become bored quickly. If someone dared to upset Lucas's peace of mind, he would be punished for just that day.

Travis stated, "You don't often punish someone this way."

"Whether you're a boy or a girl doesn't matter to him. You never change how you punish people. Be cruel to them physically so they will stop bothering you. Then why don't you apply the same penalty to Julia?" inquired Neo. He wanted to know why Lucas didn't respond, but Lucas remained silent.

Lucas questioned his motives for deciding to sell Julia as slave. Lucas's plan up until this point had been to ruin Julia until she submitted to him entirely progressively.

"Oh, I know the reason," Neo stated once more. "Getting slapped by Julia has to make you feel like you're in bad luck, right? So you want to do something extraordinary to punish the one woman who dared to smack you."

"That's very reasonable," Lucas remarked.

Travis questioned Julia about her willingness to serve as his slave for a week.

Lucas confirmed this with a nod. My response was, "Of course, I agree."

"Julia gave in because you browbeat her, or did she give in to your stupid request on her own?"

Neo answered Travis's inquiry by saying, "Julia would never voluntarily serve as Lucas' slave."

"To accomplish what he wanted, Lucas probably thought of a thousand different ways to convince Julia to go along with it. As in, enslaving Julia Lucas."

As far as I could tell, Neo's speech was perfectly acceptable. But Lucas did coerce Julia into doing what he wanted. If Julia didn't try to defend herself, Lucas wouldn't be able to scare and depress her.

"Perhaps if Julia hadn't resisted so strongly, things would have gone more smoothly. That way, I can avoid using extreme measures to discipline Julia ""I'm going to move seats," Lucas remarked.

"A gentle touch is in order while interacting with females. Being human, they're quite delicate "The warning came from Travis, who urged Lucas to avoid taking any unilateral action.


It seems that Lucas was uninterested. He didn't follow Travis's instructions to the letter. When was the last time you saw Lucas act submissive around the ladies? After being publicly humiliated, Lucas had no motive to be polite to his tormentor.

The question was posed by Neo, who suggested that they meet that night.

Travis faced Lucas and looked at him. The question, "Are you able to come or not?"

Lucas responded, "Of course you can." "Because I can't be stopped," she said.

One of Lucas's pals from another school supposedly challenged him to a motorcycle race. Unfortunately, this pal had some issues with Lucas. A year ago, an incident caused tension between Lucas and his best friend. Also, it hasn't improved until now.


"Julia! Help deal with Mom's order! A delivery man has just pulled up in front of the house."

When Julia heard the courier arriving with her mother's package, she hurried out of the room to meet him. After Julia paid for the item, she took the order inside to give to her mother, who was preparing food.

Julia inquired, "What did you order to eat?"

Widya's response, "Butter-fried chicken," made Julia's eyes light up.

Julia didn't waste any time digging into her mom's delivery. Tempting, incredibly while still hot, is a serving of chicken that has been battered and fried in butter. As her favorite meal approached, Julia could hardly contain her excitement.

Widya demanded, "Wash your hands first, Julia."

Even though she was dying to eat the butter-fried chicken in front of her, Julia followed orders. Julia decided to avoid her mother's wrath by following her instructions.

"Darling Julia, please tell me about your two days at school. I'm sorry I haven't had the chance to hear more about your current educational experience. "After completing her chores, Widya joined Julia in the dining room chair.

Julia responded, "Not that bad."

Widya asked his daughter, "Have you made a new friend?" and she nodded.

"Do you like your new school? Your dad stated it was a top school in the area."

Julia agreed, saying, "Pretty good."

Julia was not overjoyed to be enrolled in Galactic High. Even though Julia had only been at her new school for two days, she had already met someone who was quite irritating. Furthermore, Julia was pressured into doing what the offender wanted.

"But what about your fellow student? Can you have fun with him?" Inquisitive Widya probed once again.

Julia's response sounded hesitant: "Yes... it may be said so."

Is it OK for Julia to comment on how entertaining her seatmates are? This would help Widya relax. But Julia had lied to her mom, so there was that.

"Those who enjoy the company of others. Avoid making it a habit to provoke your pals intentionally. Always put your best foot forward in social situations. Do you get what I'm trying to say?" Widya, giving his daughter some advice, said.

There was a knowing nod from Julia. Generally speaking, Julia was not the kind to cause a stir. However, if somebody ventured to smear Julia's reputation, Julia would take swift and severe action. Lucas's introduction to Julia was "an example she was," an expression of admiration for her.

Julia inquired, "Dad come home late again?"

"Yes. Dad told Mom he was going to visit his late wife's sister this morning," said Widya, whose language Julia grasped quickly.

Julia's "father," the man who shared her home, was not her real dad. Robert had been married before, but he and his first wife split up after just two years.

It was unclear to Julia why. But he attempted to remain optimistic, convincing himself that his stepfather must have had good cause to divorce his mother. Robert was a good man, according to Widya. Because Robert always treated Widya and Julia with such kindness, Julia had no reason to doubt Widya's assertions.

Although Julia was not Robert's biological kid, he loved her as if she were. Perhaps because Julia's biological father had abandoned the family when she was a young girl, the chemistry between Julia and Robert developed more rapidly. Still, that didn't make Julia forget about her departed dad. Julia, on the other hand, visited her father's grave regularly to say prayers.


As soon as a text message popped on her phone, Julia snatched it off the table. At first, Julia didn't want to open the chat because she hadn't added the sender's phone to her contact list. But unfortunately, that left Julia in the dark about the identity of the individual who had messaged her.

Nonetheless, Julia was intrigued and worked up the nerve to read the message from the mysterious number.

"You should get to my place by six o'clock, I reminded you."

"Just bring your slender physique; a car isn't necessary."

The sweetheart, "Congratulations on starting your new career."

Rather than respond to the text, Julia immediately put away her phone. Before even being asked, Julia could identify the recent message's sender correctly.

"Honestly, I don't know how Lucas got my number. I hate to say it, but it stinks."
