Chapter 9 II Ignorance

"Julia, you should know that Lucas is the type of guy that gets bored quickly. Don't doubt me. Terrorizing you as Lucas is won't last forever."

Moza put her hands on Julia's shoulders as a sign of gratitude.

Julia questioned, "What will make Lucas stop abusing me?"

Moza's statement sounded reasonable: "If there is a new prey, then Lucas will release the prey he previously grabbed."

"Therefore, someone else must have done something to hurt Lucas' feelings. It's the only way I can avoid Lucas's punishment."

"You got that!"

Nope. Julia could not put the lives of those around her before her own. Julia would be released from Lucas, but a newcomer would take her place. Surely that would paint a terrible picture of Julia.

I have a question for you, Moza," Julia stated. She had forgotten until that moment that she was curious about anything.

"Which Lucas is this, exactly? What is it about Lucas that makes the students at this school look up to him so much? Plus, a few of them seemed frightened to see Lucas. I don't understand what Lucas has done to deserve this awe and respect."

Moza took a seat across from Julia, all set to reply. Moza had assumed Julia would raise a question like this at some point.

"Aside from his good looks, Lucas's wealth is also impressive. He comes from a reputable family and is the only child. As a result, it's not surprising that so many women are obsessed with Lucas "said Moza, attempting to answer Julia's query.

\Indeed, Julia couldn't deny that Lucas's face was quite attractive. Clearly more attractive than Lucas's two pals. Julia couldn't deny that she disliked Lucas's attitude.

"There are a lot of hot guys at this school. I don't understand why Lucas has to be the most hated ", Julia asked.

"Why? Because Lucas is a very strong person at this school," Moza said. "Eventually you will learn as well."

"I beg you, tell me immediately." In her expression, Julia seemed to be begging.

When asked, M0za shook her head. "If you want to know something about Lucas, you should ask him. Some information concerning Lucas is too personal for me to reveal."

It was clear from Julia's expression that she was discouraged by her inability to learn more about Lucas. But Moza wasn't the one to blame, and Julia understood that. In fact, Moza shouldn't have told anyone so much personal information about Lucas without Lucas's consent.

Someone was telling Lucas about Julia would make her furious if she were in Lucas's position. Moreover, what they claimed did not actually take place in Julia. As a result, rumors concerning Julia were aired.

"What's it like being in class with Julia, the school's It-girl? You must agree that it's entertaining." The question was an intentional troll by Moza directed towards Julia.

After drinking some of the water she had brought with her, Julia responded, "Somewhat great."

"I want to stop writing this phrase right now because it's so much fun," she continued.

When Julia replied, Moza burst out laughing. "You should feel quite at home with this routine if you're enjoying yourself, Julia. There are a lot of other women out there who envy your position."

"They want to be Lucas' slaves, you say?"

Moza shook her head, "No. They are eager to follow Lucas into schools."

"This is ridiculous. So what if you're stuck in traffic with Lucas? Lucas is a perverted and irritating boy who should be avoided at all costs. If you don't want to be bothered any longer," Julia, who disagreed with Moza, commented.

"See if you can get to know Lucas a little better. You won't believe it, but you'll eventually feel the same way about that horrible person," The arguments that Moza made seemed quite reasonable.

Because of this, Julia felt a genuine sense of terror. In her mind, Moza's predictions were becoming reality, and she was terrified.

"Not. Not a fan of Lucas here. And I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever, like Lucas."


"Can you really say that you won't come with me? It's been a while since we last got together. Are you over our time together?"

In response to Stevi's attempt to touch Lucas's left cheek, Lucas avoided his gaze. Lucas was feeling glum. It was already a bad situation, and Stevi's arrival only made things worse.

"Can't you hear me?" Lucas has already expressed his desire in joining you, "Neo," he added firmly.

"Sorry, but I can't have this talk with you. Please don't tamper with my dealings with Lucas." Stevi's brows narrowed as he responded.

"The issue is that you are currently talking with Lucas in my sight. "And it truly concerns me," Neo said once more.

"Get out of here if you don't want to be around me," Stevi remarked.

Hello? When Neo arrived on the rooftop before Stevi, how could Stevi possibly toss him away? What a nutjob!

The words of Neo meant nothing to Stevi. Both he and Lucas were frustrated by Neo and Travis's determination on sticking around while he had a serious talk with Lucas.

"How about you send your two pals packing?" Stevi confronted Lucas.

"Those two are seriously disturbing our peace, Lucas."

"They accompanied me," Lucas said casually.

"And that's why I'm here: to see you."

"I didn't tell you to come here," Lucas added. "If you don't feel safe with me, you don't have to stay."

"To be honest, I can relax in your company." Again, Stevi echoed her earlier statement, "What makes me uneasy is the presence of your two pals, Lucas."

"Aw, come on, Lucas. Once I explain what I mean to you," Stevi grabbed Lucas' left arm in his.

As soon as Lucas noticed Stevi's arrogant manner, he distanced himself from her.

"Keep your distance from me, Stevi!" Lucas said.

Stevi looked frustrated by Lucas's shouts. However, it did not discourage Stevi from staying.

"The question is, who is the young lady that accompanied you this morning? You rarely interact with females from this school," said Stevi, who had seen Lucas and the mystery woman come at work this morning.

"That girl is a student at our school. So she's not a stranger anymore," Neo remarked, responding to Stevi's question first.

I asked, "Do you like that girl?"

"I'm giving him what he deserves. Putting an end to your absurd thoughts," Lucas answered right away because if he didn't, Stevi would keep asking him questions that he wouldn't understand.

"The girl who slapped you on your first day of school might be here." Lucas nodded his head in response to Stevi's question.

Actually, Lucas wasn't thinking about Stevi at all. Lucas was distracted and unable to pay attention to what Stevi was saying.

"Didn't you tell Julia to come here?" Neo questioned.

Travis, without taking his eyes off the phone, added, "I saw her in the cafeteria with Moza."

"That girl has some serious guts. To disobey my directions despite knowing full well the effects," Lucas said with a crooked grin at the end.

It was time for Lucas to take action. Lucas would visit Julia if she was unwilling to meet him.

Inquiring, "Where are you going, Lucas?" When Stevi watched Lucas moved from his chair, she asked the question.

Lucas's response was, "None of your business."

"I'm going to go with you."

"How about How about today?"

"Today is the day you wish to die?" Thanks to Lucas's remark, Stevi was left speechless.

Stevi let Lucas left, feeling both disappointed and annoyed.
