The Waddling Duck

As Kit arrived back at the village, he carried with him a collection of 20 Yellow bulbine, 20 Purple heart, and 15 Slipperwort.

The Purple Heart had striking purple foliage and a beautiful pink flower that emitted a slightly fruity scent. Its stem was also covered in soft white fibres. The Slipperwort, on the other hand, had an interesting purse-shaped orange flower and green leaves. Its smell was surprisingly similar to oranges.

With his quest items in hand, Kit made his way to the town squar fountain where Mayor Meadows could be found. It wasn't hard to spot the shiny bald head and overweight figure of the mayor. "There you are my boy, did you have an easy time finding those rabbits?" The mayor's eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief as he looked at Kit.

The way the mayors' eyes bore into Kit's made him want to punch him in the face. He knew the mayor was aware of the size and danger of the rabbits he had been tasked to hunt. He tightly clenched his fist, reminding himself that he needed to collect the reward for this mission.

"I found them," he forced out through gritted teeth as he handed over the rabbit meat. He did his best to keep his composure, but inside he seethed with anger towards the mayor who had sent him on such a perilous task.



1x burly rabbit meat.

Quest complete: Mayor Meadows request, common.

Rewards: 100 EXP., 10 bronze crowns, 10 reputation points with Mayor Meadow.


[Congratulations, you are now Level 1]

Kit was surprised to see that he had already reached level 1. Was progressing through levels supposed to be this easy? Maybe it was because this was his very first level achieved.

The mayor interrupted Kit's thoughts with a question, "Young man, what was your name again? Sorry, my memory isn't as sharp as it used to be." However, Kit couldn't help but feel that the mayor never bothered to ask for his name in the first place.

He responded with a smile, trying to hide his annoyance. "My name is Kit, sir."

The mayor's face lit up with joy as he looked at Kit. "Ah yes, you are quite handy, aren't you? I have another favour to ask of you if you don't mind. You see, my health hasn't been the best lately and I can no longer go hunting like I used to. My wife makes me a special potion every day to keep me healthy, but today we ran out of one ingredient - Purple Heart. It can usually be found in the meadow where the rabbits live. Would you be able to collect 10 for me? Of course, I will pay your services."

Kit couldn't believe his luck - he had just gathered 10 Purple Hearts before encountering the mayor. "As a matter of fact, Mayor Meadows, I already have 10 Purple Hearts with me," Kit replied happily as he handed over the flowers to the grateful mayor.



Quest accepted.

Mayor Meadows' heart, common.

Bring the mayor 10 x Purple Heart before tomorrow.



10 x Purple Heart.

Quest complete: Mayor Meadow's heart, common.

Rewards: 50 EXP, 10 bronze crowns, 10 reputation points with Mayor Meadow.

"Thank you, Kit. You have once again ensured my good health for another day. Could you do me a small favour?" Before Kit could respond, he heard someone shouting his name.

"KIT, OVER HERE!" Turning towards the source of the voice, Kit saw Mars frantically waving his arms. Mars was standing outside a building that resembled a village inn.

Kit smiled at the large rooster who seemed to be acting like a crazy person. He wondered if he should inform him of his appearance. "Excuse me, Mayor Meadows, I'll go and see what my friend needs."

"If you and your friend are free, please come and visit me. As mayor, I always have tasks for strong young men like yourselves," said Mayor Meadows with a greasy smile. A shiver ran down Kit's spine, he felt repulsed by the man.

Heading over to where Mars was standing, Kit reached The Waddling Duck, which looked like a charming little inn. Looking through the large glass window, Kit could see a restaurant inside.

From his vantage point, Kit could see three long tables made from poor quality wood and benches that stretched along their length to accommodate customers. They appeared to be poorly constructed and couldn't withstand much weight.

The bar was a long wooden block that had seen better days, with multiple glass stains covering its surface. It looked as though someone had decorated it with circles. Wooden barrels were tucked under the bar, serving as stools. Despite their worn appearance, they didn't look too bad.

There were a few people enjoying food and drinks at the tables. Loud laughter could be heard from inside and the smell of roast meat wafted out onto the street. The atmosphere was warm and inviting; Kit wouldn't feel uncomfortable dining there. Turning back to face Mars, Kit took in his appearance.

"Kit, don't give the mayor any ingredients. He buys them from players and sells them to the general store at a higher price," warned Mars, a worried frown creasing his handsome face.

"Are you sure, Mars? I just gave him some Purple Heart for a quest," said Kit, feeling puzzled. Quests were a way for players to level up faster. Kit was at a loss; he gave Mars a suspicious glance, wondering if he had ulterior motives.

Noticing Kit's change in behaviour, Mars looked confused. "The general store offers the same quest but with better rewards. I've seen five new players like you get scammed by the mayor already. That's why it's important to be cautious."

Fudge on a stick! NPCs could swindle players too! Kit realised that he not only had to watch out for other players but also non-player characters. His eye started twitching; he already had trust issues with people, and this would only make it worse.

He glanced over at the friendly and helpful Mars, realising that he needed to work on trusting others. Mars had offered his help without expecting anything in return. Kit felt guilty for thinking negatively about him, now believing that Mars might be a good person.

Kat had told him many times to make friends while playing the game. It had been a while since he interacted with people his own age of his own accord, and he didn't want to end up becoming cold like his mother.

Kit made up his mind to try and befriend Mars; having someone to go on quests with would make the game more enjoyable than playing alone. It would also prevent him from being caught off guard again like he was with the burly rabbit.

Having an extra set of eyes could come in handy, and he missed having friends. After his father passed away, he stopped putting effort into maintaining friendships and they gradually faded away. The realisation of losing those connections hit him recently, as he started to miss the simple act of interacting with others.

However, reconnecting with old friends proved to be a challenge for him. Kit felt anxious about how he would handle it, like a child starting school for the first time. He knew he was out of practice when it came to socialising. But taking a deep breath, he decided to take the leap.

"Hey Mars, want to team up and complete some quests together? We're both new to the game so having someone to talk to while we play could be fun. I'll add you as a friend," Kit asked nervously, waiting for Mars' response.

"Sure," Mars replied eagerly.

Kit was surprised by how quickly Mars agreed. He noticed an excited look on Mars' face and how he was practically bouncing in anticipation of having a companion. The smile on Mars' face almost blinded Kit.

Was making a friend in the game really that exciting? Should he also feel this way? It seemed like Mars' reaction was over-the-top. Maybe they both struggled with socialising.

"Open menu," Kit said, trying to find the option to add friends but coming up short. "Mars, do you know how to send a friend request?"

"Haha, you're definitely new at this." Mars chuckled with amusement.


[Friend request: Mars]


With a tap of a finger, Kit accepted Mars as his first friend in the game. Even though they had just met, Mars' smile seemed to grow even wider. He radiated energy, like an eager puppy. Kit couldn't help but see a bit of Kat in him.

"We should see if the Inn Keeper has some quests, if we are lucky we might get free lodging. Sleeping on the ground is rough; I nearly froze to death last night. I had to eat bread to regain my health," Mars shivered at the memory of sleeping outside.

"I'm glad you told me that. I definitely don't want to experience it," Kit thought back to the time he was kicked out of his home by his mother. The cold, wet and pain came flooding back and he instinctively placed a hand over his heart.

"That's a nice bracelet you have there. Where did you get it?" Kit looked down at his wrist without thinking, distracted by the glittering accessory.

"My sister gave it to me before I logged in. It's a bit flashy for my taste, but I promised her I would wear it," Kit replied, not particularly fond of the sparkles.

"You're lucky to have such a nice gift. I wish I had one too; it would go great with my outfit," Mars looked at Kit with envy.

Unsure of how to respond without offending Mars, Kit simply thanked him and changed the conversation. "So shall we head inside now?"

"Right, let's form a party first so we can share any quests we receive," said Mars.


[Party leader Mars sent an invitation]


"Accept." Kit's eyes scanned his screen and he saw that a new group had formed.

"Now that we've settled that, let's go inside." Mars walked with a spring in his step towards the entrance. As they entered, the enticing smell of roast meat filled their nostrils, causing Kit's stomach to growl.

"Should we grab something to eat first?" Kit asked.

Mars nodded, and they made their way to the counter to place an order. Behind the counter stood a middle-aged woman with long red hair that caught Kit's attention. She greeted them with warm hazel eyes and a big smile.

"Hello there! I don't think I've seen you boys before. What can I get for you?" Her voice was light and friendly.

"We'll have two roast meats, please." Kit eagerly anticipated tasting the meal.

"That will be 30 bronze crowns," the woman said, extending her hand for payment.

"Oh, I didn't realise it would cost so much. Sorry, I don't have enough money," Kit's face flushed with embarrassment as he lowered his head in shame. He could hear Mars sniggering behind him and shot him a glare.

Unbeknown to Kit, Mars was trying to cover up his sniggers by hiding his face in his hands. The woman gave him a sympathetic look, thinking he was crying and trying to hide it.

Aye, is that your brother, tell him to stop crying." she said to Kit. "Tell you what, I'm in need of some help tonight. My normal waitress Rose has gone to visit her family in another village. If you and your brother can cover the tables tonight, I'll give you some food."

Kit realised that the woman couldn't hear Mars' sniggers and mistook them for crying. Looking at Mars again, if Kit hadn't heard the sniggers himself, he would have believed that Mars truly was crying; his broad shoulders were shaking, his head was downcast, and his hands were covering his face.

"Thank you so much. My brother's name is Mars, and I'm Kit. We would be happy to help in exchange for food," Kit felt a soft kick to his leg as he replied.

"Great! I'm Iris. You can start right away. Just take orders, bring out meals, and collect dirty dishes from the tables."



Quest accepted.

The Waddling Duck waiter, common.

Help Iris with the dinner service, do not let any customers leave angry.

Acquired: white apron.

As Iris ducked behind the counter to retrieve something, Mars leaned in close to Kit's ear. "Why didn't you ask about a free room?"

"Let's wait until we've completed our tasks," Kit responded in a hushed tone. "Iris might be more inclined to help us then."

Mars furrowed his brow in thought before nodding in agreement. Iris emerged with two white aprons from under the counter and handed one to each of them. Kit wondered why this was necessary for their quest, but then information flashed before his eyes, explaining that the aprons were meant to keep their clothes clean during their work.

Clothing: White apron, common

Level 10

Agility + 5

Cook + 1

Speed + 3

Kit quickly understood the reason for the apron as he read the information. Without hesitation, he put on the garment, eager to see if it would make a difference in his performance.

As soon as it was tied at the back, he noticed a slight increase in dexterity and speed. He tested this by flipping a coin multiple times without dropping it, something he struggled with at home. Excited by these improvements brought on by the clothing, Kit eagerly awaited his first task.

"It's best to divide up tasks since you're new at waiting tables. Who wants to collect dirty dishes and wash them?" queried Iris.

Mars eagerly volunteered. "I won't be able to remember all of the orders, so I'll take the dirty dishes," explained Mars without being asked.

This surprised Kit, as Mars appeared outgoing and would have seemed more suited for taking orders. "Okay, then I'll handle taking orders and serving the meals." Superficial interactions didn't bother Kit.

"Great, Kit. Here's our menu - there are only three dishes and two drinks available. Memorise them while I show Mars where to take the dirty dishes," said Iris as she handed Kit a yellow-stained piece of paper.

The menu was surprisingly small, considering this was the only restaurant in town. How difficult would it be to come up with new dishes? Pushing aside these thoughts, Kit focused on learning the limited options available: carrot soup, roasted burly rabbit, pumpkin pancakes, sweet meadow beer, and sweet meadow spring water. At least memorising these items wouldn't be a challenge.

Iris returned behind the bar and gave Kit a pad of paper and a quill. He was taken aback by the large feather - writing with this was going to be a challenge. Hopefully his handwriting would be legible, or he'd feel embarrassed.

"Do you have everything memorised?" Iris asked with a wink before directing him towards a group of customers who had just entered.

Taking a deep breath, Kit knew it was showtime. He approached the group confidently, ready to take their orders.