Monak’s Story.

This was Kit's last shift, so it was the perfect opportunity to talk to Kai one last time about joining him on his quest. Kit sat down across from him and took a deep breath. "I know you've already said no, but can we talk about it again?" Kit asked tentatively.

Before he could even finish his sentence, Kai shook his head. "My answer is still no," he replied firmly.

Kit could tell he had made up his mind and there was no point in pushing further. So instead of asking about joining him, he tried to change the subject. "That's not what I wanted to ask tonight," Kit lied, trying to sound casual.

Kai cocked his head and waited for me to continue. "Have you heard of a famous adventurer named Monak?" Kit asked, hoping to pique his interest.

Kai straightened up and looked directly into Kit's eyes. "How did you hear about Monak?"

Kai seemed more alert at the mention of Monak's name. Kit inwardly cursed himself for choosing this topic. He was never good at fabricating lies on the spot and wished Mars was there to help him.

As if summoned, Mars joined them on the bench. "We heard a story in town today about a great adventurer who turned into a thief. We've been curious ever since," explained Mars, coming to Kit's rescue once again.

Kit thought to himself, "He really is good at saving my skin."

"Well, it won't hurt to share what I know. You can also find information in any library, though most of it is just speculation. The only ones who truly know what happened are no longer around," replied Kai.

He shifted uncomfortably on the hard bench, preparing himself for a long tale. His silence made it seem like he was contemplating where to start. Kit wondered if this abrupt man would be a skilled storyteller. He couldn't believe he was even attempting to tell a story.

"To properly tell this story, I must introduce you to three individuals. Monak's story and the alleged theft involves a trio of friends. But let's begin with Monak himself."

"Monak was one of the greatest adventurers of his time. He travelled across all six continents in search of treasure, exotic creatures, and rare herbs. He rose from poverty to become a legendary figure, someone others aspired to be," said Kai, pausing to clear his throat.

Kit could tell that he wasn't used to speaking so much. He wondered if Kai would be able to finish the story.

"He came from humble beginnings - orphaned at a young age and living on the streets. Little is known about his early years or how he managed to survive. My guess is that life wasn't easy for him. Everything changed when he was 16 and embarked on his first adventure. He worked tirelessly to make a name for himself in the world of adventuring."

Kai paused again, this time with a thoughtful expression on his face. The story was unfolding somewhat clumsily. Kit hoped it would improve. "At the age of 18, Monak had already made a name for himself in the adventuring community. He was fortunate enough to discover a new dungeon in the forsaken state of Fornax. Due to its remote location, treacherous terrain, and challenging monsters, it was never a popular destination for adventurers."

"Even now, the nearest town to the dungeon is a 20-day ride away. This dungeon became the starting point for Monak's rise to fame."

"With each adventure, he acquired more treasure and hunted down even more exotic creatures, amassing a great fortune. But everything changed when he met Keton. This is where Monak's life went from that of a solitary adventurer to having a partner by his side."

"Keton was the son of the chief of the Bonzart shifter tribe in the Golden Opuntia state of Fornax. He was next in line to become chief himself."

"Keton was incredibly intelligent and strong, with unparalleled fighting skills within his tribe. The Bonzart tribe was well-known for their ability to shift into different forms – the ability to change was a closely guarded secret among their people."

Kit's ears perked up at the mention of shifters. He wondered if part of Monak's treasure involved gaining that ability. It hadn't even occurred to him before that such a thing could be possible. He couldn't help but wonder if he would accept such a change if given the opportunity. Kai didn't give him much time to think before continuing with his tale.

"Monak's life was saved by Keton when he found him barely alive in the desert. After nursing Monak back to health, they formed a strong bond and Monak stayed with Keton's tribe for a year, which was unusual for him as he was known for constantly moving around."

"When Monak finally left the tribe, Keton joined him on his adventures and the two became famous all over the Fornax continent for their treasure-hunting skills and fighting abilities. Two years later, another name was added to their group - Credula, a famous fabricator known for his magical bags."

"The three of them became known as the Famous Searchers Three and embarked on even more daring adventures together. On one of these adventures, they allegedly found an epic treasure map and spent five years hunting for it."

"However, their quest came to an end when Keton had to return home due to a family emergency. Credula also retired from adventuring and opened a shop selling his creations while Monak continued his travels alone."

"It is rumoured that Monak eventually found the epic treasure, but he always denied having a map leading to it, though some suspected that an epic sword hanging from his side could be proof of his success." As Kit listened to Kai's story about the trio's epic adventures, he couldn't contain his excitement at the thought that this could be the same map he currently possessed.

He squirmed in his seat in anticipation and imagined himself wielding an epic sword just like Monak did. Glancing at Mars, Kit could tell that he was just as excited about the prospect of owning such a valuable treasure.

Kit's breath caught in his chest as he tried to contain his excitement. He didn't want to miss a single detail of Kai's story, hoping for any clues that might lead him to the mysterious cave.

"This is where things went wrong for Monak and Keton," Kai continued, "No one knows exactly what happened, but their tribes vanished shortly after Monak was seen with a new sword."

"As rumours swirled about Monak's involvement in the disappearance of Keton's tribe, terrifying creatures began to roam the desert, causing chaos and destruction wherever they went. The other tribes joined forces to contain these beasts in Twisted Sands, but they still pose a threat if one manages to escape the containment field." 

"Not long after Ketons tribes disappearance, Monak and Credula also disappeared. I suppose that is why this tale is so famous."

Kit waited eagerly to hear more about the disappearance of the trio, his heart pounding. When Kai just sat their Kit became confused. "Is that it?"

"Yeah." Kai shrugged.

Kit was furious, what a let down! Where was the rest of the story! Kit started going over all the information he had just received, when a chill went down his spine. This was a dangerous game he was playing now as the owner of such a valuable map. He would have to be very careful in his pursuit of information about its true location.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by an unhappy Mars. "What kind of story is that? It raised more questions than it answered. Like why did the tribe disappear, and why did Credula retire and not travel with Monak."

Mars eyeballed Kai, "I think you should take us along on your quest as payment for telling such an incomplete tale."

Kai gave Mars a terrifying look, sending a shiver down Kit's spine. He was grateful it wasn't directed at him; he was sure he would have been scared to death.

"Mars was just joking, Kai. Thanks for sharing the story with us." Kit quickly intervened before his friend could get in trouble.

"Sorry Kai, Kit's right. I was only kidding. Thank you for sharing that remarkable story with us." Mars reluctantly backed down. Kai's expression returned to its usual uninterested demeanour.

Kai finally finished his dinner and bid his farewells before resuming his hunt for the adorable shrewd shifter.



Quest complete: The Waddling Duck waiter, common.

Rewards: 100 EXP, 50 bronze crowns, 10 reputation points with Inn Keeper Iris.

Kit's exhaustion caught up to him, and he felt himself starting to droop. He thanked Iris for the day's activities and headed to his makeshift bed in the loft.

Shortly after, Mars entered the room. Kit had just settled in when Mars spoke up. "Hey, you're still awake. I wanted to talk about tomorrow. I know we talked about adventuring together, but I just wanted to check if you were still okay with me joining you."

Mars avoided meeting Kit's gaze and anxiously picked at his fingernails. Was he having doubts about joining him on this journey? Perhaps something had happened to make him question the decision. Or maybe it was his strained relationship with his brothers that made him hesitant.

Despite his carefree demeanour, Mars had insecurities too. In response, Kit offered a reassuring look to Mars. "Of course, I'm happy to have you join me! I like our plan for you to be my adventurer for the restaurant."

Mars' eyes lit up. "Okay, good. I liked that plan too. And Kit, I'm glad you approached me that day. What made you come to me instead of someone else?" Mars glanced at Kit again.

"It was the way you were dressed. I thought you were an NPC who would give me a quest. But I'm glad I made that mistake - instead, I gained an awesome friend." Kit beamed.

"I do have great taste in clothes, don't I?" preened Mars. "I could pick out some clothes for you too."

Kit froze, then he decided the best course of action was to pretend he didn't hear Mars offer. He decided to change the topic completely. "Mars, are you okay with leaving tomorrow? We can head to Flower Fields town. I want to check out the library for information on Monak or the location on the map. Iris said it's a three-day walk from here. We should gather supplies and leave early in the morning. What do you think?"

"It sounds good." Mars had a pensive look on his face.

Kit thought he would say more, but Mars remained silent. Kit was too tired to continue talking anyway. They could discuss whatever Mars was thinking tomorrow.

"Let's make the rest of our plans in the morning. I'm exhausted today. Goodnight, Mars." Kit tucked his chin under the blanket.

"Goodnight, Kit."

Kit closed his eyes and fell asleep.