Six Limbed Apelop

The tree didn't pose a challenge for Mars as he climbed it effortlessly. His quick and fluid movements showed that he was no stranger to fighting. With precise strikes, he managed to knock the creature's hand, causing it to fall from the tree.

It was clear that Mars was enjoying himself, almost like a predator stalking its prey before delivering the final blow. As Kit watched him, he finally understood why Mars had seemed so happy earlier - he was looking forward to this fight. Realising that he was just standing idly by, Kit prepared himself to join in on the action.

The monstrous ape let out a deafening screech, furious at the injuries inflicted upon it. In that moment of distraction, Kit seized the chance to strike back. He charged forward, wielding his sword with reckless abandon as he slashed and stabbed at the creature.

Although his movements were clumsy in comparison to Mars', he still managed to inflict some wounds. Kit couldn't help but feel like a newborn chick trying to walk for the first time, while Mars soared effortlessly above him in the sky.

- 40 damage

- 40 damage

- 40 damage

The creature bled profusely with each of Kit's wild swings. He was enthralled by the realism of the game as he landed three successful slashes on the monster, watching streams of blood pour from each wound. But just as Kit was starting to feel confident, the monstrous being struck back and sent him flying with a blow to his shoulder.

-65 health

"Damn, that hurt. I need to remember to dodge. I literally just acquired that skill," Kit thought to himself.

Mars gracefully descended from the tree above them. "Ahh, show off. He makes it look so effortless." Thought Kit.

Kit regained his balance and jumped back into the fray.

"Target different weak points on the monster with your attacks, Kit. I'll keep it distracted while you practice," Mars instructed.

"How do you know its weak points?" Kit questioned.

"Observe where more damage is taken, what causes loss of mobility, how it moves and attacks. Then you can attack with greater precision, inflict more damage, and conserve stamina," Mars replied.

Kit noticed that Mars was merely playing with the monster at this point. "How skilled is he already? Playing sports my foot. It doesn't justify this insane level of expertise," Kit marvelled.

Together, Kit and Mars attacked from opposite sides of the monster, dividing its attention. Kit kept one eye on its arms and another on the sharp spikes on its back, timing his strikes when the creature was focused on Mars. With each hit, Kit could feel his blade slice through the monster's skin.

They were surprised by their seamless teamwork as they chipped away at the creature's health. However, Kit couldn't help but notice that Mars bore the brunt of the monster's attacks while he only had to focus on offence.

After some time, Kit observed that two of the monster's hands were always on the ground, making them vulnerable targets for attack. He focused his strikes on those hands, feeling his control over the blade improve with each hit. Eventually, they were able to immobilise the creature after damaging all six of its limbs.

With their coordinated efforts, they were able to defeat the monster at last.


[Six Limbed Apelop Killed]

75 experience.

2 x Six Limbed Apelop meat.

"Yes, MEAT. Hopefully, we'll find more of these creatures to battle and gather resources from." Kit turned to Snowball, hoping for a positive response from the little fluff ball. Snowball let out an excited bark in agreement.

Kit wiped the sweat off his forehead; the fight had definitely been a workout. He glanced at Mars and couldn't help but feel a bit envious of his seemingly effortless fighting skills. "He's really good at this," Kit thought with a hint of longing. Before leaving, Kit picked up the nut that was thrown at him and used his identification skill on it.

[Monkey brain nut]

"These look like they'll be useful too," Kit showed Mars, holding up a handful of nuts he had gathered from the forest floor.

"I'll climb the tree and see if I can shake some more down," Mars responded, quickly scaling the trunk and violently shaking its branches. A downpour of nuts showered them from above, allowing Kit to collect them and store them in his pouch.

They continued on their journey, alternating between fighting Six Limbed Apelops, gathering nuts, and following Snowball. After their seventh encounter with an Apelop, Kit had mastered the art of killing them efficiently. Satisfied with their progress, it was time to head back to Pint.

Pint was still happily grazing on the grass where they had left him. "At least we know he won't wander off," Kit chuckled.

"Yeah, unless there's a river of beer nearby," added Mars, giving Pint a pat on the head before heading towards the nearby camping ground.

After an hour's walk, they stopped at a small clearing amongst the trees that Mars deemed suitable for camping. "This looks like a good spot," he said, gesturing towards the clearing. "It's far enough away from the river so we don't have to listen to its constant sound."

Kit was relieved that his initial fear of the river had disappeared. Now they had a camping spot it was time to set up the camp. Mars untied Pint's lead rope and let him graze freely while Snowball continued to explore the campsite.

Kit unpacked a large dark green wooden box with a yellow button on top - their tent for the night.

Kit had forgotten to ask Boots for instructions, but he hoped using the tent would be easy. He stared at the yellow button, hoping that pushing it was all he needed to do. Taking a deep breath, Kit reached out and pressed the button, hearing a faint click.

The box hummed and glowed in a soft blue light as Kit stepped back to avoid getting hit by the unfolding tent. As he waited with anticipation, the dark green box split apart and unrolled itself onto the ground, forming a large square covered in thick plastic material. Kit couldn't help but think it resembled regular camping tents he had seen before.

Slowly, the tent began to take shape into a dome with a zipped door and an awning in front. Kit marvelled at his purchase and couldn't resist boasting about his purchase. "Look at this baby. It was definitely worth the money. It is magic, looks great, plus it saves a mountain of time and well!"

"You brought a self-assembled tent? Why didn't you get a basic one, they are much cheaper." Queried Mars.

Kit defended his purchase, "Who would want to assemble it yourself when it can be done by magic!"

Mars chuckled "I should have known you wouldn't go past anything magic. I bet the guy in the store was excited to see you, he would've had coins blazing in his eyes."

Kit decided to ignore Mars, he was too excited to see his next magical purchase. He pulled out a large wooden trunk from his bag containing a magic camping kitchen, knowing Mars would laugh at him for it. But Kit couldn't resist the thrill of unravelling another magical item and felt his heart flutter with excitement.

"Oh, Kit you really can't pass up magic items." As Mars laughed uncontrollably, tears streaming down his face, Kit thought to himself that this was just like ripping off a band-aid quickly - get the laughter over with and enjoy the magic afterwards.

Kit ignored Mars once again, focused on setting up the camping kitchen he had brought along. Just like the tent, the wooden trunk also had a bright yellow button on its side. Kit pushed it and heard a soft click, followed by a gentle hum as the trunk started to glow in a soft blue light. Kit stepped back to avoid getting caught in the assembly process, watching as the lid opened and the sides collapsed into a rectangular shape on the ground.

As the rectangle rose and formed into a bench that was Kit's waist height, a bright blue light momentarily blinded him. When his vision returned, he saw that the trunk had transformed into a stone oven with cupboards on either side.

"Hey Mars, look at this!" Kit exclaimed, thrilled with his new discovery. But Mars was too busy laughing at him to respond.

Unable to contain his excitement any longer, Kit ran his hands over the smooth surface of the stove top. It was cool to the touch, with a dull blue-grey colour and flecks of white resembling polished river stones. The stove top had four round circles set into it.

Kit's eyes wandered down to the glass oven door that pulled down to open, and then to the cupboards made from matching wood and stone as the stove. On top of each cupboard were cutting boards that could be used for food preparation.

Kit couldn't believe his luck - he had his very own magic stove and camping kitchen right here in front of him! With a huge grin on his face, he opened one of the cupboards to find pots and pans of various sizes, then another drawer filled with cooking utensils.

Feeling like he was floating with excitement, Kit couldn't resist exploring the opposite cupboards as well. In one he found tableware and in the other, table utensils.

"Oh my gosh," Kit exclaimed in amazement, "magic truly is incredible! It's almost like having a whole kitchen in this compact set." He couldn't wait to start using all the equipment.