
Mars approached a young woman for directions to the library and they followed her instructions to an old, dilapidated building. The stone walls were crumbling, and the upkeep had been neglected. Despite its state, the building stood out from the others with its beautiful stained-glass windows.

As they entered through the front door, Kit hoped the interior would be in better condition than the exterior. But to his dismay, it was cluttered and disorganised, with books stacked on every surface and tightly packed shelves.

The musty smell in the air indicated that some of the books may not be in the best condition. Kit worried about potential mould exposure and noticed that there were leaks in the roof which contributed to the poor state of the library.

Amidst all the chaos, there was an old lady with light purple hair muttering to herself. Kit navigated through stacks of books on the floor to approach her for help. On their journey to Flower Field town, Kit and Mars had decided to only inquire about one aspect of their map to avoid revealing too much information.

Kit tried to get the old lady's attention. She was still mumbling to herself and didn't seem to hear Kit. "Hello," Kit said again, a little louder this time.

The old lady finally looked up. "Well, hello there, dear. This is the library. The adventures guild is actually three doors down."

"Oh, thank you for letting me know. I'm actually looking for the library though. Are you the librarian?" Kit asked.

"Yes, that's me. Gladys the librarian. It's not often I get visitors in here, most people mistake it for the adventure's guild. This is quite exciting! How can I assist you?" Gladys' eyes lit up with enthusiasm, happy to have a customer to help.

"Do you happen to have any maps of the Fornax continent available?"

Gladys' eyes lost their sparkle as she replied, "Yes, we do. Follow me, please." Kit could tell that she was hoping for a more interesting request from them.

Gladys led them to two tables covered in scrolls. Wooden boxes were placed at each end; Kit assumed they were meant to hold the maps instead of being scattered across the tables.

"These are all the maps of Fornax. They range from an overall view of the continent to detailed maps of specific towns. Just give me a moment and I will clear the table for you."

Gladys softly muttered a few words and the scrolls on the table began to move, rolling themselves towards the wooden boxes. With a flick of her wrist, they neatly arranged themselves inside.

Kit's eyes lit up at the sight of magic being used. "Even libraries are amazing."

"What kind of maps are you looking for?" Gladys asked.

"I'm not entirely sure, Gladys. I'm searching for a large rock formation that resembles a sleeping cat." Gladys' eyes sparkled once more, showing her interest in Kit's request.

"Well, that is quite intriguing. Let me think...if I recall correctly, there should be five such formations in existence."

Kit felt his excitement building as he listened to Gladys' words. If there were only five sleeping cat rock formations, he should be able to narrow down the location by analysing the surrounding terrain with the help of other maps.

Gladys rummaged through the boxes and pulled out several maps, laying them out on the table for everyone to see. Kit secretly hoped she would leave them alone after this initial display.

But it seemed like Gladys had plans to stay for the duration of their time. Kit knew this would probably be the most excitement she'd have for a while, so he let her continue. After all he didn't need to tell her which map he was interested in.

As they studied the maps, Mars sat next to Kit, equally invested in their search. Each map had a sleeping cat carved from stone, but three were quickly dismissed as they were located near bodies of water that didn't match their description.

That left only two potential maps, both with a similar image of a sleeping cat next to a large lake and bordering a forest. Unfortunately, neither had the distinctive C shaped mountain range they were looking for.

Kit's face fell as he realised, they may not find what they were searching for. Gladys noticed his reaction and offered her sympathies. "Are none of these what you're looking for, my dear?"

"They're close, but not quite right," Kit replied with a hint of disappointment.

Gladys joined Kit's side and glanced down at the maps. "These are the most recent versions, but would you like to see the old ones? Sometimes things change over time."

"Yes, please," Kit said, trying not to get his hopes up again. The repeated disappointment was starting to wear on him.

Gladys opened the box and took out two scrolls, placing them on top of the already spread out maps. Kit's heart skipped a beat when he saw one of the maps - it was an exact match to his treasure map.

"Gladys, do you know why this area looks different on the old map compared to the new one?" Kit pointed at the half-C shaped mountain range on the older map, while the newer one showed a mountain missing in the middle.

"Hmm, if I recall correctly, there was a battle between some foolish adventurers and a mythical creature in that area. It caused one of the mountains in the range to be destroyed," Gladys explained.

As they were talking, Snowball started to stir in his sling. Kit knew the librarian wouldn't be thrilled about having a dog in the building, but he couldn't stop the little fluff ball from poking his head out and letting out a happy yip. Kit groaned inwardly - he had just found what he was looking for.

"Oh my goodness, is that a dog?" exclaimed Gladys.,"Look at his adorable face! Can I please hold him?" Kit blinked a few times before processing what Gladys had said. He smiled, realising he had found another animal lover.

Kit assured Gladys that Snowball loved cuddles, then carefully handed the fluff ball over to her. He watched Snowball for any signs of discomfort, remembering how he had reacted to Kai. But Snowball seemed content in Gladys's arms, happily accepting pats from the old lady.

Gladys, clearly taken with Snowball, offered him treats and headed towards the back of the shop without even asking for permission. Kit wasn't worried; he could tell that Gladys would take good care of Snowball. While Gladys doted on Snowball, Kit and Mars studied the maps.

"Kit, this is definitely where we need to go. Everything matches up with the treasure map. There is no information on this map where the location is though. We are going to need to ask the old lady for more information." Mars excitedly claimed.

Kit felt uneasy as Gladys paid close attention to which maps he showed interest in. He didn't want to reveal their final destination. After scrutinising both sides of the maps, Kit came to the same conclusion as Mars.

It was inevitable - they needed to determine the location depicted on this map. As Gladys returned with a contented Snowball, Kit let out a tired sigh. "Gladys, I can't determine the location of this map. Could you please tell us?"

"Let me check. This is a map of the Forsaken state. But be warned, it's a dangerous place. Filled with powerful monsters, it hasn't been developed much and only has two main cities. The towns are also quite small. It may not be worth visiting compared to our Rosacea state."

Gladys turned inquisitive eyes towards Kit. "Why do you even want to go there? There's nothing of interest."

Kit hesitated to share to much information with Gladys, his anxiety began to rise as Snowball squirmed and barked in her arms.

"Is something wrong with the little one?" Gladys cooed, understandingly. "You're trying to find his family, aren't you? I'll make a copy of the maps for you, just don't tell anyone. It's against the rules, but this little one needs to find his way home." With that, Gladys went and copied the maps where she had taken Snowball earlier.

Kit wasn't entirely sure how she came to the conclusion that their mission was to bring Snowball back to his family. But if it meant obtaining copies of the maps, he wasn't about to argue against it.

"He really is something, isn't he? His cuteness is enough to charm anyone into giving us what we want," said Mars.

"Yeah, maybe we should just have him around all the time when we need something," Kit agreed, smiling at Snowball's antics. "He definitely has a way with people."

"Perhaps it's a skill he possesses," Mars pondered. "We should capitalise on that and maybe even run some tests when you form a bond with him."

Kit paused their conversation as Gladys returned with their maps in hand. "Here are the maps, boys. I even made a copy of the Forsaken state for you. It should make it easier to take this little guy home," Gladys said, handing Kit three maps.

A wide grin spread across Kit's face as he took them, almost feeling the weight and worth of the treasure in his hands. He carefully stowed the maps in his pouch before taking Snowball from Gladys.

"Thank you so much, Gladys. You've really helped us out," said Kit sincerely.

"It was my pleasure, dear. If you ever need information on anything else, don't hesitate to come to old Gladys. I'll be happy to help." Gladys gave them a warm smile.

"Thanks again. We have to get going now. It was nice meeting you." Mars waved as they walked towards the door.

"Goodbye, boys. Goodbye, Snowball." Gladys offered her own wave in farewell.

Leaving the library, Kit couldn't contain his excitement. Mars was also feeling energised, and they finally had a destination in mind: the Forsaken state. They were eager to start their journey.

"Shall we grab Pint and leave now?" Mars was practically bursting to head off.

"Not quite yet. I want to visit the culinary guild to officially accept my chef profession. It's important to start levelling up my sub class as soon as possible. And I also need to meet with a realtor to get an idea of how much it will cost to open a restaurant." Kit wanted to laugh out loud at Mars crestfallen face.

Kit watched in amusement as Mars quickly tried to wipe the disappointment away. "Sounds like a plan. I remember passing by a real estate office on our way here; it's just one street over. Want to go there first?"

"Yes, lead the way." Mars led Kit to a quaint shop front with advertisements for plots of land in the window. Kit felt a surge of nerves as they entered; his dream of opening a restaurant was becoming more tangible by the minute.

Taking a deep breath, Kit pushed open the door and was greeted by a friendly middle-aged woman with a bright red shirt adorned with feathers. Kit was surprised to find someone with a similar taste in clothing as Mars.

The woman's eyes lit up at the sight of Mars. "Look at you, young man," she exclaimed. "It's been a while since I've seen such fine taste in clothes."

"I also love your outfit," Kit replied. "It looks very smart and dignified."

The woman blushed, leaving Kit unsure of what was happening. Perhaps Mars did have some sense of fashion after all. Deciding he needed to intervene before things got any more awkward, Kit introduced himself. "Hello, I'm Kit," he said.

"Oh, my apologies, young man. I was too preoccupied admiring your friend's attire," the woman replied. "I'm Norris. How can I assist you today?"

"I was wondering about the cost of opening a restaurant in town?" Kit asked.

Norris motioned for him to take a seat at her desk, where she pulled out a tablet and began tapping away at the screen, going over various options with him. "What size of land are you interested in?"

"I want the biggest size possible, please." Kit remembered Iris advise to get the biggest plot of land he could.

"Would you prefer a plot in the busy shopping district or one on the outskirts of town?" asked Norris.

"May I see both options, please?" Kit thought it would be good to compare the prices.

"Of course. Here are two plots that meet your requirements in the shopping district. This one is located right in the heart of the district, and it's quite spacious. It's in a prime location next to a potion shop and a tea house. The price for this plot is 50 gold crowns."

Kit's eyes widened at the steep price. He hadn't expected land in a small town like Flower Field to be so expensive. If this was the cost here, he could only imagine how much it would be in a larger city. Kit was grateful for his treasure map; without it, his dream wouldn't be achievable before his subscription to CAL ended.

Kit examined the barren plot of land displayed on the tablet screen by Norris. It was twice as big as the neighbouring shops, but Kit didn't find it particularly spacious. If he chose this spot for his restaurant, there wouldn't be much room for expansion. He doubted he'd have space for an outdoor area either.

Norris clarified, "The cost for the restaurant building is fixed, regardless of which plot you choose. It's 50 silver crowns. But you can make renovations once you meet the requirements to level up."

"Do you mind showing me the other options?" Kit asked.

"Of course, Kit." Norris changed the image on the tablet to show another plot in the shopping district, but on the outskirts. "This one is larger than average and costs 60 gold crowns."

Kit's eyes widened as he looked at the large plot of land in front of him. He imagined all the possibilities that could come to life if he opened his restaurant on such a spacious property. The tablet screen displayed another option, this one on the outskirts of town near the stables.

It was also an extra large plot, but it came with a price tag of 50 gold crowns. Norris, the real estate agent, warned them about a cheaper option in the textile area, but she quickly added that it may not bring much foot traffic to Kit's restaurant.

Kit appreciated her honesty, even though he felt a little guilty for not actually buying any land from her yet. "Thank you so much, Norris. You've been very helpful," he said sincerely.

Mars chimed in with a quick "Yes, thank you Norris," before standing up from his seat and signalling his eagerness to leave for the Forsaken state. Kit knew they had some decisions to make about their options, but for now, he was just grateful for Norris' guidance.

"You are welcome to come back and see me whenever you have made a decision," Norris said, giving them a knowing smile that hinted she didn't expect them to return.

Kit trailed behind Mars as they left the shop. He couldn't shake off his unease after hearing the price of land. The thought of going on their treasure hunt was making him anxious too. But before he let Mars talk him into leaving town, there was one more place he needed to visit.