Hoarder of precious things

The transparent red stone pulsed in his hand. Then started to thud faster and faster. The stone started to disintegrate in Kit's hand, turning in to a fine crystal powder. The powder swirled around Kit in a red haze as if drifting on an air current. As Kit took a deep breath to help stabilise his growing anticipation the fine crystal powder entered his mouth. Kit was terrified at breathing in the powder.

'No, no, no, did I stuff this up?' As Kit was starting to panic a tingling sensation started to form in his chest. With each pounding of his heart, it spread further around his body until he felt like ants were crawling under his skin all over his body.

The sensation continued to intensify until it became painful. Kit let out a gasp from the pain. When the pain reached a point that Kit thought he might die, the pain exploded from his chest. Red glowing threads shot from his body towards Snowball. They wrapped around the little dog until he couldn't be seen.

A small heart wrenching yip was heard, then the red threads exploded out and dissolved back into the fine red crystal powder. Red glistening particles were suspended in the air around Snowball as if they were suspended in time. Then with a whoosh it was like time started again and the particles shot towards Kit and Snowball.

Kit looked at his body. Every patch of skin that was visible was covered in the fine powder. Kit watched as they slowly started to dissolve into his skin.


[Hoarder of precious things]

A unique hybrid beast mixed with the blood of a mythic beast. It finds hidden treasures by instinct. When fully grown will develop a pocket dimension to store it precious treasures.

Name: Snowball

Bonded to player Kit.

Kit's jaw dropped open. Snowball was incredible. He was a treasure hunter, no wonder he was so good at tracking. Kit looked down at the little ball of fluff and wondered how long it would be before he was fully grown.

Snowball would get his own pocket dimension one day. How handy would that be. He would never have to worry about his pouch being stolen. Plus, Snowball would be able to store live things inside. He was like his very own walking storage shed.

"Snowball who knew that you were so amazing!"

Kit picked him up and covered him in kisses. Snowball returned his enthusiasm with excited yips. Kit thought even though Snowball came with amazing abilities, that wasn't the best part. Kit looked at the part where Snowball was officially bonded to him and felt his heart swell.

Snowball was now his! He would have the little ball of joy with him for all of his time in CAL. Even if Snowball came with no other abilities this one piece of information was like a precious treasure to Kit. Snowball was an amazing treasure all on his own as far as Kit was concerned. He wouldn't trade him for anything in all of CAL.

"Snowball we are officially family now."

Kit continued to hug the little fluff ball.

"Family? You take him as family. Do you even know what you are saying?" The moon sphynx looked at Kit with a shocked expression.

Kit was distracted from his joy at gaining Snowball by the white cat's words.

"Of course. Snowball is not just a pet, he is family." Kit thought of the death fish and Snowball worrying about him and comforting him after. This was what family was supposed to do. So as far as Kit was concerned, Snowball was family.

Kit felt a warm pulse on his skin after saying those words to the white cat. He looked down at his arms and noticed the red crystal powder that had settled on his skin and disappeared had returned and was glittering. In the blink of an eye, it was gone again.

Kit lifted his eyebrows in surprise. He didn't know what that was about. He returned to patting Snowball.

"You are strange for a human. I can now understand why even though you are a little dumb, he still wanted to bond with you."

Kit ignored the insult in the comment.


"It will be time for you to leave soon. Until you have brought a piece of land you may only enter the grove for 24hours, once every three months."

Kit thought about all the ingredients he had collected, trying to figure out if he had enough to last him for three months, if he was going to sell it in his stall. He figured he had enough. If he ran out so be it, there was nothing he could do anyway. It was time to get ready so they could head off to the forsaken state on their return.

"Thank you. Umm, I don't actually know your name?"

"My name is Bai yue master."

Kit was starting to get a little uncomfortable at being called master. He didn't like the idea of anyone being subjugated under him.

"Can you not call me master, just call me Kit. Honestly, it makes me uncomfortable. Can we just be friends?"

Bai yue gave Kit a strange look. Then bowed his head. Kit didn't think the cat understood what he was trying to say. Snowball was starting to yip like crazy at Bai yue.

"It would be my honour to be Kit's friend." The white threads returned to Kit's wrist and pulsed before disappearing. Kit smiled he had a feeling they had just changed the contract by verbal agreement like he did with Snickers.

"That is great Bai yue. We will take our leave now. We need to get some things ready to leave for the forsaken state."

"Kit is going to the forsaken state?" The white cat was once again surprised.

"Yes, we have something to do there."

"Then I will see friend Kit once he has acquired some land."

Kit nodded to the white cat and the party headed towards the cave entrance to leave the pocket dimension. They arrived back to the town without coming across any monsters. Kit was starting to feel tired once again now that all his excitement from earlier had calmed.

As they were walking past the stalls by the western gate, Curt approached them.

"Do you have anything for me." Curt had a hopeful look on his face. Kit laughed and took out three bottles of the Moon juice magic. He was very thankful to Curt for his information. Curt lifted an eyebrow then took the glass bottles.

He opened one of the bottles and took a swig. His eyes rounded after tasting the drink.


Reputation with guard Curt has increased 40 points.

Player Kit is now friends with guard Curt.

"How? Ahh, I have missed this taste. I don't remember the after taste being so … unique." Curt eyed the bottle a little warily. Kit brushed his strange behaviour off. It had been a long time since he had tasted the drink. Kit was sure the flavour would be different from what Curt had originally remembered.

"Kit if you ever need anything you let me know. I will aid you if it is within my ability."

"Thank you, Curt. I hope you enjoy the drink."

Curt nodded then laughed.

"I must go back to my post. I'll see you tomorrow when you set up your stall."

Before Kit could answer that he wouldn't be here tomorrow, Curt had left. Kit glanced at Mars.

"What now?"

"We should head over to the market and gather all the supplies we will need. Then we can head back to the Inn and finalise anything we missed out of our plan before we log out."

After they had finished at the market Kit felt like he would collapse from exhaustion. He flopped down on the bed in their room with his face landing on the pillow.

"Kit don't lay down or you will fall asleep."

Kit moved his tired body into a sitting position. "I know. Let's decide what time we should log back into the game, so we enter together."

I have just over 1 hour before I must log out or I'll be kicked out. In real time it would be around 7am. I won't be able to log back in until 7am, two days from now."

Kit mulled it over and thought 7am was a good time. It would let him potter around a bit in the morning and do anything he'd forgotten about before logging back in. Kit was an early riser, he usually woke around 6am.

"I think that is perfect, 7am in two days' time to log back in. What do you think?"

"Ok, it's decided." Mars grin spread from ear to ear.

"Kit I'll log out now. I'm too close to the forced logout time. I'll see you in two days."

Kit nodded. Mars body started to shimmer then fade. Kit was left sitting on the bed by himself. Snowball let out a soft whimper.

"Snowball it's ok. We must leave for six days, then we will be back, ok."

Snowball started to whine. Kit picked him up and hugged him. He was worried Snowball would fret while they were away.

"Snowball how about you go and stay with Bai yue for the six days we are gone. I'm sure he would love the company."

Snowball tilted his head to the side as if pondering Kit's question. The little dog then let out a yip. Kit chuckled at the small animal.

"Ok that's settled then. Snowball I will disappear just like Mars in a moment, don't be scared though, I will be back in six days, ok."

Snowball gave Kit a yip. Kit smiled, then patted the dog. He was very reluctant to leave. A pulse of anxiety raced through him at the thought of not seeing him for two days, though for Snowball it would be longer.

Kit suddenly hugged the small dog tightly. He really would miss him. As if Snowball felt his reluctance, he started to lick Kit's face. Kit felt even more reluctance to part after this display of affection. He liked that Snowball could understand his feelings without words. He would miss the affection freely given by the little fluff ball.

Kit took a deep breath if he did not leave soon, he had a feeling he would find it harder. Kit gave Snowball a kiss on the head then gave Snowball one last hug and placed him on the bed.

"Be good and stay with Bai yue, ok!"

Snowball gave a soft yip and headbutted Kit. This soft reassurance from the black ball of fluff almost made Kit cry. He tightened his resolve to log out now, then forced himself to pull up his menu so he could log out.

Before he started the logout process his eyes caught the new tabs available. Kit now had a tab for companions and contracts.

He decided to leave the tabs to explore when he logged back in. He didn't want to accidentally go over time and be late back inside the game to meet Mars and Snowball. Kit looked for the logout option. He didn't see a tab for log out anywhere amongst the tabs.

'Maybe I just have to ask CAL then.'

"CAL log out."

"Player Kit please confirm logout option."


Kit felt himself become lighter. He then felt his eyes become heavy. He closed his eyes. Once he felt his senses return to normal Kit opened his eyes. He was lying down inside the gaming capsule. He heard a soft click and the clear glass lid of the gaming capsule started to open.

Kit sat up inside the capsule. He thought he would feel weak after laying down for so long. To his surprise he just felt like he had awakened from a nap. The tiredness he felt inside the game before logging out had disappeared and his body felt refreshed.

Kit made his way out of the gaming capsule. He stared around his tiny room. Kit felt a bit odd being back in reality. He walked out of his room to see if Kat was home. He wandered into the lounge area and looked at the clock on the wall. It was 4 am in the morning. Kit realised he had logged out earlier than he was going to so Kat wouldn't be waiting for him.

Kit walked over to Kat's room and opened the door a crack. He could see his sister sleeping soundly. Kit smiled. He decided he would surprise his sister with breakfast. He went into the kitchen to prepare food. To his surprise the refrigerator only had a few of the meals he had prepared for Kat before he entered the game inside.

Kit chuckled to himself, then went to the bathroom to take a shower. After he got dressed, he headed downstairs to head to the markets to get some fresh ingredients to restock the refrigerator.

When Kit walked back inside his apartment Kat was sitting on the couch drinking coffee.

"Good morning, Kat." Kit gave his sister a big smile. Kat's eyes went round. She then put her cup down and squealed. She pounced on Kit for a hug.

"Brother did you miss your sister that much you came out early. I was not expecting you until later today and why are you coming in through the front door?"

Kit lifted his hands to show the grocery bags.

"That's right, I missed my sister so much I logged out early."

Kat hugged his arm as he went into the kitchen.

"My good little brother, are you going to make me breakfast?"

"Yes." Kit chuckled at his sister's antics. He wasn't surprised this was the first thing she asked for.

Kat was looking at him strangely. She went around the counter so she was out of his way but didn't return to the couch.

"Kit, you look a bit different, and you just chuckled. Did you like the game that much?"

"Mmm, it was good."

Kat kept staring at him in curiosity. Her eyes were constantly roaming over his body and watching his facial expressions.

"Kit, you look brighter. That's what's different. Then did you make any friends in game?"

Kit filled Kat in on all he had experienced so far in the game. Kat stood and listened without interrupting. Once he finished his tale the two of them had finished the breakfast he had prepared.

"Kit, I have never heard you talk so much. You really did have fun. I wish we could have got you playing earlier. If I had known it would help you with your mood this much, I would have worked harder to save money."

Kit felt guilty after hearing Kat talk about his mood. He knew he hadn't been the easiest to communicate with over the past two years. Thinking back over his time in CAL Kit realised his mood had definitely improved since meeting Mars and Snowball.

He wasn't avoiding people as much. He still felt uncomfortable around new people, but it was manageable. He trusted Mars to a point, but that's because he knew how desperately Mars wanted a friend. He knew he still had to work on his trust issues.

He decided he would work on his trust issues with Mars first, then work his way forwards in relation to other people. Kit still had lingering doubts in his head that Mars would one day turn his back on him. He was proud that he had progressed to the stage that he wanted to work on his issues instead of running away from them.

After thinking about what Kat had said, Kit agreed Cal had made a difference within himself. He did feel he was overall more happy. He didn't know if the change was because everything was new and exciting in CAL or that he had made a friend. Kit decided not to dwell on it, either way he felt a little better inside himself.

Kat interrupted his internal musing.

"After hearing you talk about your experience in game, I want to play too."

Kat sighed then quickly hid her disappointment behind a smile. Kit looked at his sister and was determined he would make enough money in game so his sister would be able to join him inside CAL. He knew she had given up so much because of him.

He was determined to make sure she never wanted for anything if he could achieve his dream. If he could make a restaurant into to the legendary level 5, then they would never have to worry about money ever again. Unfortunately, he was nowhere close to that yet.

Kit started to plan for his return to game. The first thing he needed to do was find out how much the CAL conversion rate was into real life currency. He looked at his sister's bright smile.

"Kat, I will make sure you can play the game too, one day." Kit was firm in his belief he was going to make that happen. Kat looked at his face.

"Kit, I somehow believe you will do it." She then laughed and hugged him.

"Kit as much as I want to stay and catch up with you, I still ought to go to work. I will see you when I get home."

Kat left after putting on her shoes. Kit went to his room to find his phone, unfortunately it was flat. Kit quickly put it on to charge. He then got out a piece of paper so he could calculate the amount of money he would need to keep playing the game after the three month period was up.

He made a list of all the things he needed money for. He broke it down into his half of the monthly amount.

Utilities: $150

Rent: $750

Food: $200

Miscellaneous: $50

CAL subscription and nutrient supply: $2,000

Total: $3,150

Kit looked at what he had written. He needed to make enough to convert to 3,150 dollars. Kit went back to his mobile phone and powered it up. He looked up the conversion rate. Kit eyes widened when he saw the amount he would need to make inside CAL to convert for his living expenses.

1 platinum converted into 1,000 dollars. He was only making a handful of silvers a day inside the game let alone gold crowns. How the rotten onions was he going to gather 3 platinum and 150 gold crowns. Kit's heart started to sink. Finding the hidden treasure was now more a priority than opening his restaurant.